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Lyra Spectralsong

Lyra is a lover of music and art. She sees beauty wherever she goes and just wants to make the world a better place. She's got a weird knack for understanding contracts and making deals.

Campaign & Party

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Other characters
Sat 7th Sep 2024 11:36

Session 43: A giant plan with a colorful distraction

by Lyra Spectralsong

It is CorellonEmber the 20th at around 9am.
We are talking to Aezlebov and he and Tempest have a confusing conversation about the weave. Faenor shows him the diamond half that we have. Aezlebov studies it and casts some spells on it.
We tell him about Pisou and ALL of Pisous plan. Azezlebov says if we can ge the rest of the shards, it might be able to absorb residual energies for the rift and sew the rift closed.
The shards would need to be in 2 halves for this though.
We discuss going back to Galvania to use the plinth to locate the other shards. Aezlebov is able to use the diamond to create a location spell to tell us where the remaining shards are. Lights point out on the map. He also creates a rod that can lead us to the shards once there so long as a spell slot if used.
There is one in New Galvania, Eldoria, and Lureamar. Dustera asks if we need to get to Lureamar. She says, her butler Lucian just visited and could fly us all there on Dinklewing. What the hell is a Dinklewing? She takes us out back to meet Lucian. He's a tiefling. He talks about Ash and how he doesn't like her.
She offers to escort us and then come back on her own. We would have to drink shrink potions to ride on Dinklewing.
We make the journey and get to the other side.
It's Corellonember the 21st around 9am. Dinklewing needs to rest
We find a place to rest. We're high in the mountains, and surrounded by clouds. Some of the cloud pieces are heavy fragments that we can step on. Faenor determines the may be a cloud giant palace. Tempest is like, "I'm totally gonna go check this shit out" and we all end up going with him.
We travel across a bridge and a cloud giant with two hill giants are on another bridge close by. He sends hawk because he thinks he hears something from where we are. Tempest casts a fog spell over us to give us cover, and we are able to hide. We try to convince Tempest that this is such a bad idea. The hill giants were decorated in beautiful jewels and armor.
Lufere is kind of on board now with pursuing them.
After a lot of arguing, it is decided that we will continue on.
we get into an open area and hide behind some busts as a couple of giants come down stairs
Tempest gets caught. The jig is up and the cloud giant asks us all to come out. He's actually very courteous. His name is Galong. Lyra ends up writing a haiku for him that she sells for a 300gp diamond.
We say our good byes. The cloud city floats up and away. We get back to Dinklewing and continue on our journey. We get to Ithilhithnal and land right outside the Shadowthorne mansion.
We meet a lot of the Shadowthorne family here. They are a strange lot. Dustera doesn't seem to really like any of them. A plant named Rupert tries to eat Leland, because it's grumpy due to a rash. Faenor heals the rash, and Rupert feels better.
We get some sleep. Dustera tells us that when we are done with Lureamar she will open the moon portal to Eldoria for us.
It is CorellonEmber the 23rd
We travel for about 8 hours to Lureamar. it's now roughly 5pm
WE use the rod to see if we can find the shard, and the rod is pointing east now. This means the shard is on the move. As we stop to rest 4 hours later, we find that the rod is pointing back at the city.
We decide to take a rest and try to figure it out in the morning. Leland falls asleep during his watch. When Faenor gets up from his trance, he finds that Leleand is gone. Very close to his bedroll is a mushroom circle. Well, shit.
We go after him. When we get there, we don't see Leland, but we see a pretty lady in the lake named Valera. She's looking for her friend, the color red. she says she will help us find Leland if we help her find red.
Meanwhile, Leland is lost in a sunflower field. He accidentally stepped on a sunflower and broke it. He props it back up and grafts it back together. It's pretty cute.
Leland eventually leaves the field and looks for tracks. He sees a woman who is made of wood and naked up ahead. Her name is Greta. She ends up charming the shit out of him and he decides to try and stay and protect her tree.
Meanwhile, we are looking for red. Lufere flies up to look for Azure to see if Azure has seen red anywhere.
WE meet a satyr and the color verdant. They tell us we need to walk in circles to get where we are going.
We meet a pseudo dragon with a scorpion tail named Benedict. He knows where the sunflowers are, but doesn't tell us. WE get to a pond and talk to Azure. He kind of says mean things about red. We find out that Red wanted to feel the wind and go for a swim. We notice a little red frog jump in the water. It's the first red we've seen.
Lufere turns into a Quipper and swims towards the little frog. REd comes up and talks to us. We convince red that it's one of the best colors and that Valera is looking for her, because right now, everything is dull and boring.
Valera gives us scarf that turns to butterflies to help us find Leland. We each get a butterfly a different color of the rainbow.
We make our way to Leland and find that he can't leave the dryad he is with. We convince her to let him go and we will try to get her first love Dermish back from hell if we can.
The butterflies open up a portal to get us back to our camp. This is where we end.
On our way to Lureamar to find the original shard that keeps moving.
It's CorellonEmber the 24th.

Lyra's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Session Zero Summer Camp
    16 May 2023 01:50:44
  2. Session One- The Last Day Festival
    16 May 2023 02:09:58
  3. POEM- Asmodeus's Golden Arse
    17 May 2023 01:44:40
  4. SONG- Semuanya- God of the scale
    17 May 2023 01:45:30
  5. Session 2 Visitors....Finally!
    20 May 2023 10:35:56
  6. POEM: A broken heart and a promise made
    21 May 2023 06:35:13
  7. Session 3 Riddles, Puzzles, and nonsense Oh my!
    27 May 2023 10:42:08
  8. Session Four: Standoff against Malachoz
    10 Jun 2023 10:38:47
  9. Session Five: How to save Callun from his demons
    08 Jul 2023 10:39:21
  10. Session Six: Evading what's in the shadows.
    15 Jul 2023 10:43:55
  11. Session Seven: Mummy on the Orient Express
    29 Jul 2023 11:30:44
  12. Session Eight: Sho me the Maelstrom and save the elves.
    12 Aug 2023 10:18:36
  13. Session 9: A whale of a good time
    19 Aug 2023 10:11:21
  14. Session 10: :WTF just happened?
    26 Aug 2023 11:38:24
  15. Session Eleven: Shenanigans in Pontamooonday
    02 Sep 2023 10:56:06
  16. Session Twelve: Adventures at the Sanguine Moon Faire
    16 Sep 2023 10:26:04
  17. Session Thirteen: It's demogorgon living in Callun
    23 Sep 2023 11:18:44
  18. Session Fourteen- A crossover
    21 Oct 2023 11:08:42
  19. Session Fifteen: Pursuit of Deathknight Schmidt
    28 Oct 2023 10:49:23
  20. Session 17- Saving Paul and drowning the cultists
    18 Nov 2023 11:25:08
  21. Session 18- Wasteland of Woe
    25 Nov 2023 11:26:07
  22. Session 19: The end of Tempest
    09 Dec 2023 11:28:42
  23. Session 20: Quill joins the team and we go to the Library
    23 Dec 2023 11:51:44
  24. Session 21: A christmas Story
    30 Dec 2023 11:26:31
  25. Session 22: Menstrels, Purple Worms and Illithids! Oh My!
    13 Jan 2024 11:18:25
  26. Session 23: The end of a Neolithid and escaping an Abolith
    20 Jan 2024 11:31:45
  27. Session 24: The Great Library
    10 Feb 2024 11:36:59
  28. Session 25: Faenore's Dad banged a goddess and a fight with a Mother Matron
    17 Feb 2024 11:41:01
  29. Session 26:Parties are split. Beholder fight and a fight for love against a warchief
    24 Feb 2024 11:23:15
  30. Session Twenty Seven: A quest for Cold Iron
    09 Mar 2024 11:41:48
  31. Session 28: Exploring Islands and smoking with and Oni
    16 Mar 2024 10:46:19
  32. Session 29: Lyra commits genocide to save Faenore
    13 Apr 2024 07:46:04
  33. Session 30: Guardian Number One- The Mummy Lord
    20 Apr 2024 08:41:45
  34. Session 31: Into the Runeforge we go
    27 Apr 2024 08:28:46
  35. Session 32: Defeating Zozth and Operation Save Fuzzball
    11 May 2024 09:32:37
  36. Session 33: Let us introduce Tempest and Hazel Arden- Prince and Princess of Ardenia
    15 May 2024 10:56:42
  37. Session 34: Zeus is a perv and Syfans start an invasion.
    01 Jun 2024 10:34:42
  38. Session 35: Adventures back to Ardenia
    22 Jun 2024 11:26:09
  39. Session 36: Matters of the heart in Ardenia
    30 Jun 2024 12:19:02
  40. Session 37: All paths lead back to Summer Camp
    20 Jul 2024 08:52:54
  41. Session 38: Family Reunion and new enemies
    03 Aug 2024 11:11:50
  42. Session 39: Shards, Betrayal, and the Choice of Fate
    10 Aug 2024 11:52:16
  43. Session 40: Attacked by a Kraken and ancient civilizations discovered
    17 Aug 2024 11:40:22
  44. Session 41: Escaping an ancient civilization. Rescuing Miners in Seg Raven.
    21 Aug 2024 11:32:54
  45. Session 42: A family reunion for Faenor and a working Moon Well
    31 Aug 2024 11:30:29
  46. Session 43: A giant plan with a colorful distraction
    07 Sep 2024 11:36:27

The major events and journals in Lyra's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 43: A giant plan with a colorful distraction

It is CorellonEmber the 20th at around 9am. We are talking to Aezlebov and he and Tempest have a confusing conversation about the weave. Faenor shows him the diamond half that we have. Aezlebov studies it and casts some spells on it. We tell him ...

03:15 am - 08.09.2024

Session 42: A family reunion for Faenor and a working Moon Well

It is CorellonEmber the 19th at around 9am. We are in Seg Raven about to head down to the mines. its gonna be about a day before they get us the records from the blue dragon parlay. The miners give us some shit about going in, because it's to dang...

03:07 am - 01.09.2024

Session 41: Escaping an ancient civilization. Rescuing Miners in Seg Raven.

It is Ravenqueensea the 30th. Roughly 9pm. Lithil had just attempted to dispel the magic of one of the crystals and The grey elf stops her. He tells us that letting them out would be a mistake. The grey elf then free Drogus, and she falls out of th...

02:57 am - 25.08.2024

Session 40: Attacked by a Kraken and ancient civilizations discovered

It's Ravenqueensea the 29th 9am WE are getting ready to depart on the ship Vesta gave us. The plan is get Galadrian and the others close to Seg Raven, then we will go around it. Vest reads some yaro sticks for us saying It will not bode well for us...

03:32 am - 18.08.2024

Session 39: Shards, Betrayal, and the Choice of Fate

It's Ravenqueensea the 28th roughly 12pm We decide to move to inside the cavern to short rest and are promptly greeted by Vesta. We decide to just ask her if we can have Yole, like instead of fighting, can we just have him? or make a bargain. She s...

04:04 am - 11.08.2024

Session 38: Family Reunion and new enemies

It's Ravenseaqueen the 27th about 10am We all go into the moon pool that Serule opened up for us. This takes us to the center of the Greatspear region. The first thing we notice is that the area is eerily quiet here and we immediately expect that s...

03:45 am - 04.08.2024

Session 37: All paths lead back to Summer Camp

It's Ravenqueensea 14th 10am We have all just reunited in Temperforge. Leland is staring at a half orc holding Tempest's hammer. Hazel immediately explains that this is Tempest and blames Lufere for everything happening. We explain briefly what happe...

12:38 am - 21.07.2024

Session 25: Faenore's Dad banged a goddess and a fight with a Mother Matron

We are standing with Osaris, the drow, Saran Maras with him and his dead wife. They have agreed to go with us. The walls are covered in biolescent lichen. There are weird scratches on the wall. We talk to Saran Maras and he tells us that we can find cold...

09:37 pm - 20.07.2024

Session 36: Matters of the heart in Ardenia

Hazel, Lufir, Tempest, and Lyra are in Ardenia and their plans are to find out about the teleportation circle and try to gather an army, BUT that probably won't work out because the invaders are already here. Faenore has just woken up and found the no...

04:44 am - 30.06.2024

Session 35: Adventures back to Ardenia

It's Ravenqueensea 11th roughly 8pm We are in the templer of Woe. We take a long rest. Lyra wakes up early and gets Tempes and Lufir and Hazel and takes them to their mission. They are going to go gather the barbarian armies in the south before hea...

04:03 am - 23.06.2024

Session 34: Zeus is a perv and Syfans start an invasion.

It's Ravensqueensea 10th 10am We are with the dynatin council. their names are: Alsa, Omsla, Zelsa. They are going to consult the oracle. We tell them they already told us that Orsaris is going to lead us. They tell us we can have 300 men. We d...

03:06 am - 02.06.2024

Session 33: Let us introduce Tempest and Hazel Arden- Prince and Princess of Ardenia

We are standing as Hazel is demanding that Tempest marry her right now. Faenore officiates the wedding while Stefan and Lyra create the music. Lufere is the maid of honor and Leland is the best man. Tempest and Hazel say their vows to each other. ...

01:31 am - 19.05.2024

Session 32: Defeating Zozth and Operation Save Fuzzball

We stand around the dead king dwarf with our questions ready. Who are you? My name is McConnor- Connor McConnor- What was the cause of the Runeforge war? Verdeau wanted to hold its colonies up in the north and New Verdeau rebelled. Tell us w...

02:50 am - 12.05.2024

Session 31: Into the Runeforge we go

We decide to try and get some rest. We hear noises coming from the next room. There is a door that we can't close. Lufere sends his hyenas in to one of the rooms check it out. We learn there is a staircase with a statue at the top. The other room has 2 s...

10:29 pm - 01.05.2024

Session 31: Into the Runeforge we go

We decide to try and get some rest. We hear noises coming from the next room. There is a door that we can't close. Lufere sends his hyenas in to one of the rooms check it out. We learn there is a staircase with a statue at the top. The other room has 2 s...

12:33 am - 28.04.2024

Session 30: Guardian Number One- The Mummy Lord

We are outside the pyramid, next to the entrance that goes underground. there is a pool of water on the left side of the temple. the very top of the pyramid is made of gold and has a bright beam of blue light flying up from it. We are able to easily...

08:20 pm - 27.04.2024

Session 29: Lyra commits genocide to save Faenore

We loot the place of the Oni and find a trap door under the hookah. Faenore sees something glinting in the cracks of the floor board. It's a fancy box with 12 healing potions, and a coiled up rope. Its a rope of entanglement We decide to hang out her...

02:55 am - 14.04.2024

Session 28: Exploring Islands and smoking with and Oni

We are headed to the 8th house Hunzrin with the tentacle taff and the paralyzed body of Zeltherin in the body bag. Every 10 minutes, we give him air. It's the 26 of Auzuthair 1083 10am. As we travel, Lufere lets us know that it seems we are being fo...

07:45 pm - 13.04.2024

Session 28:

We are headed to the 8th house Hunzrin with the tentacle taff and the paralyzed body of Zeltherin in the body bag. Every 10 minutes, we give him air. It's the 26 of Auzuthair 1083 10am. As we travel, Lufere lets us know that it seems we are being fo...

10:32 pm - 20.03.2024

Session Twenty Seven: A quest for Cold Iron

We start with Faenore having just disappeared after wishing for Woe's falactory. He is inside a hut that smells familiar. Faenore fills an icy cold that is emanating from his chest. There is a frosty, but empty pedestal in front of him. The hut feels ...

04:08 am - 10.03.2024

Session 26:Parties are split. Beholder fight and a fight for love against a warchief

We are standing inside the temple of Elistre. Lyra is holding Faenore in his arms. Quill knows what has happened to Leland, but his body is still with us. It seems to be convulsing even though his brains are all over the ground. WE learn Leland is w...

12:02 am - 29.02.2024

Session 26:Parties are split. Beholder fight and a fight for love against a warchief

We are standing inside the temple of Elistre. Lyra is holding Faenore in his arms. Quill knows what has happened to Leland, but his body is still with us. It seems to be convulsing even though his brains are all over the ground. WE learn Leland is w...

04:39 am - 25.02.2024

Sat Session 25

07:37 pm - 21.02.2024

Sat Session 25

04:15 pm - 19.02.2024

Session 25: Faenore's Dad banged a goddess and a fight with a Mother Matron

We are standing with Osaris, the drow, Saran Maras with him and his dead wife. They have agreed to go with us. The walls are covered in biolescent lichen. There are weird scratches on the wall. We talk to Saran Maras and he tells us that we can find cold...

05:00 am - 18.02.2024

Session 24: The Great Library

We see Hazel lying on the ground. She is barely breathing. We figure out that she is poisoned. Lufere and Faenore look into the books they have to see if they can find anything about this tree and apple. Lufere, does know it's called Gulthias tree. It pr...

04:01 am - 11.02.2024

Session 22: Menstrels, Purple Worms and Illithids! Oh My!

WE begin on a raised platform under ground. We walk down a staircase that was hidden before. As we get to the bottom, Quill's eyes go white and Leland tells us that she is connecting to Tempest's mind. From Tempest's POV, he wakes u and sees Xantoine...

04:48 am - 14.01.2024

Session 21: A christmas Story

We get sucked into the shard. We see Ashe and her group here too. We are all confused and disoriented and we don't know how we got here. We are now in a snowy cold landscape of a mountain. We try to keep warm as best we can and spot a town down in the ...

03:52 am - 31.12.2023

Session 20: Quill joins the team and we go to the Library

Faenore finds out that we can go to a place called "Sand Scales" to have the dragon scales possibly melded with our armor for lightening resistance. In this city, there is a 10kft flat mesa. The city itself feel very "Arabian" As we walk out of 3...

04:01 am - 24.12.2023

Session 19: The end of Tempest

Hazel looks at Tempest and simply says, "I just don't get you" and walks away. (This was after the blue dragon fight and after Tempest attacked to people with their backs to us.) As we are harvesting this dragon, Rez remembers that blue dragons have ...

03:46 am - 10.12.2023

Session 18-

We look around us at little Schmidt skeleton places crawling around. We gather them up. Apparently this things is undead, and it keeps coming back with 1 HP or something? and we can't kill it. It's not a demon and it IS undead, and can't undie die. ...

11:20 pm - 06.12.2023

Session 17- Saving Paul and drowning the cultists

Randi missed session 16. Harley has the recap. Lyra had followed after some demons who took Schmidt's body. She found a prisoner named Locktia Orc there. Zantoine's son, Paul is going to be sacrificed in an attempt to bring Schmidt back. They are bei...

03:44 am - 19.11.2023

Session Fifteen: Pursuit of Deathknight Schmidt

As we are are pursuing the Death Knight, Friedrich catches up with us on a horse and he is with 2 companions. Lufir and Stefaan. Stefan is looking for someone name King Syruck. It seems Stefan has the Sword of Syruk. it turns out that Lyra's sword...

10:33 pm - 01.11.2023

Session Fourteen- A crossover

We start traveling to Amrun Rad. A large shadow appears over us, and it seems to be a very large dragon. It's a silver dragon. We recognize him to be Aurendille. He lands and approaches us. He wants to restore Callun's head to his body. He wants t...

04:27 am - 22.10.2023

Session Thirteen: It's demogorgon living in Callun

We head over to Urie's tent to grab our health potions. While in the tent. a fellow and bearded lady start to wrestle and nearly knock down the tent we are in. Urie is having trouble with some guy named Topsy. A fellow counting money gives us 10...

03:54 am - 24.09.2023

Session Twelve: Adventures at the Sanguine Moon Faire

we approach the faire. It's outside the city of Pontemoonday in the forest. We find Zargon pretty easily by asking some guy eating a corndog. When we find Zargon, he is not yelling at a dragonborn behind his booth, BUT he IS the dragonborn getting yel...

11:10 pm - 20.09.2023

The Journal Entry’s title

With Callun in front of us, smoke rising off his back in the form of a face. He is wielding the blue glowing sword that belongs to her father. As Lyra asks where the fuck he got the sword from, Callun goes to attack her. (Randi crit failed the roll) Tempe...

10:03 pm - 06.09.2023

Session 10: :WTF just happened?

We see that we are actually fighting a maiko shark, a great white, a plesiosaurus, and a hammerhead ahead of us. Tempest shatters the shit out of them with lightning, but then we get sucked into a vacuum or something. I don't really know. WE then argue ...

10:29 pm - 30.08.2023

Session 9: A whale of a good time

We are floating right outside of the entrance to the dwarvish strong hold under the water. This is the strong hold where Duran Stormforge forged weapons of cold iron. We see a cave hole. Leland is able to tell that the stone work is dwarven in nature,...

11:04 pm - 26.08.2023

Session Eight: Sho me the Maelstrom and save the elves.

So, we're 2 days into our boat trip. We've just defeated a mummy spirit. Well, Leland did, but Tempest thinks it was him instead, and they are arguing about it. I guess our boat was taken out of a place called Longhorne. Morpheus thinks this is his b...

10:07 pm - 13.08.2023

Session Seven: Mummy on the Orient Express

We see a long pathway leading up to a mountain pass. We head up the pass and when we get to the top, there are 30 foot high doors that have statues of dwarves on the front of them. A small door opens to the left and a dwarf appears and asks who we are. ...

02:58 am - 30.07.2023

Reached Level 3

Reached Level 3

03:41 am - 18.06.2023

Session Four: Standoff against Malachoz

We wake up to find that Callun left around 3am with a bunch of drow. We didn't notice until about 10am. We decide he must have wanted to do something on his own, so we let him be. We learn about the adventurers guild and learn we can take quests to ea...

03:41 am - 18.06.2023

Saturday Session 3:

07:56 pm - 29.05.2023

Saturday Session 3:

07:41 pm - 29.05.2023

Session 3 Riddles, Puzzles, and nonsense Oh my!

As we get to the bridge, we see Aurendille. He walks towards us casually with his fingers crossed at his waste. He says that he may have been hasty with how he treated us. We explain that all we did was try to warm Malachoz, and he was able to escape, bu...

02:30 am - 28.05.2023

Reached Level 2

What a night. We released what we learned to be a tricky and malevolent being, and have made promise to Arendille and the moon elves that we will make it right. The party reaches level 2 after fighting and defeating some drow and travelling back home to Beaumar.

07:03 pm - 21.05.2023

Session 2 Visitors....Finally!

We hear "Visitors....Finally" WE walk down into an area fit for a guard station. There is a wall of stone with a rough iron door mostly made of bars that we can see through. Into the darkness we see nothing. We stand there "alone" We learn someon...

07:02 pm - 21.05.2023

Session One- The Last Day Festival

We start in Beaumar. It's the "Last Day Festival" and it's a really fun time. Leland and Lyra and Tempest have a music dual with some bards. All of us accept Tempest and Feynore partake in a hallucinogen given to us by a guy named James. Leland and Ly...

02:27 am - 16.05.2023

Session Zero Summer Camp

[b]Session Zero:[/b] [b]Characters:[/b] Brad: Dwarf/Water Genasi Sorceror- Tempest Cam: Dwarf Artificer- Leland Collin: Wood Elf Rogue- Callon Randi: High Elf Bard- Lyra Spectralsong Alix: High Elf Paladin- Feynor [b]Summer Camp year one- 11 ye...

02:26 am - 16.05.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Lyra.

Played by

Other Characters by Randizzle