The Recounted Chronicles of Morpheus Nightwood

by Dusterra Shadowthorn Custodian and Chronicler for Aezlebov Zobelo   In the city of Pontemundi, there is a ship docked. The wood is weathered and black as night. Down below deck, Morpheus sits wrapped in black bandages and dark clothes, the only thing he reveals is his eyes. Eyes that hold a great deal of pain and loss.   He is very charismatic with his words. It takes him no time to shower me with flowery words. He is mysterious and something draws me to him. But I cannot fall into such ways of thinking, not when I have a job to do.   I bring him back to the subject at hand. How did he come to be Masked Master of the Seas. There it is the sadness in his eyes, with a heavy heart he begins his story.   They were in pursuit of a demon named Isolde when things took an unexpected turn. He was part of the city guard under the command of Corinna Blackwood. Himself, Alistair Thorne and Franz Iceman were sent to investigate the heinous crimes perpetrated by a cultist group. He pauses at the mention of Corinna, was she an old lover?   I digress, back to the tale at hand. Each murder was a grisly sacrifice to a demon prince, and the city's safety hung in the balance. During their investigations, they discovered that a powerful demon named Isolde was the mastermind behind the cult's activities.   As Alestair, Morpheus, and Franz delved deeper into the case, tensions mounted between them. They grappled with conflicting ideologies, with Morpheus advocating for a more aggressive approach while Alestair urged caution and adherence to the law. Their differing perspectives strained their friendship but also forged a bond based on mutual respect and shared purpose.   The trio knew that time was of the essence, but Captain Corinna Blackwood insisted on presenting their findings to the council before taking any further action. Impatient and driven by their sense of urgency, Alestair, Morpheus, and Franz made a fateful decision: they would pursue Isolde and bring her to justice, even if it meant defying orders and breaking protocol.   Against Captain Blackwood's wishes, they set off towards the temple, little did they know that City Council Hall was right above them and the council was in session. They didn't know the risks, but they believed that waiting for bureaucratic deliberations would only give Isolde and her cultists more time to enact their sinister plans.   With the council chambers echoing with debates and deliberations, and below Alestair, Morpheus, and Franz infiltrated the hidden lair beneath City Hall. They began to hear the echoes of their footsteps mingled with the heated discussions above, that is when they realized that the City Council Hall was right above them, but it was too late. The cultists had already seen them. They fought their way through the cultists and confronted Isolde herself.   In the heart of the battle, Isolde unleashed her dark powers, causing chaos and destruction that reverberated through the chambers above. The explosion caused a catastrophic chain reaction, resulting in the collapse of the temple and the loss of innocent lives. Among those casualties were several prominent figures within the city, including high-ranking officials and even Captain Blackwood's own family members. The underground hideout became a fiery inferno, threatening to consume them all. In the midst of the chaos, Isolde escaped, leaving Alestair and his comrades battered and broken, burdened with the guilt of the lives lost and the unfinished mission.   Disheartened and unwilling to accept defeat, Alestair and Morpheus and Franz made a fateful decision: they stole a ship and set sail to face Isolde and finish what they had started.   In a climactic showdown, Alestair and Morpheus faced off against Isolde, fighting with all their strength and courage. It was a grueling and brutal conflict, but their determination to protect their city and uphold justice carried them through. Together, they managed to defeat Isolde and disrupt the cult's sinister plans.   But their triumph came at a great cost. As Isolde made her desperate escape, seeking solace beyond the boundaries of their realm, she unleashed a final burst of dark energy, using the forces of the rift itself, targeting the ship that Alestair and Morpheus had commandeered. The devastating blast tore through the vessel, with Alestair in its direct path. Morpheus sacrificed himself to shield Alestair. It struck Morpheus directly, extending the rift right into him. When Alestair opened his eyes Morpheus was gone.   During the final moments of the battle, as the explosion ripped through their boat, and right as Isolde reached the rift Morpheus sacrificed himself to shield Alestair from the full force of the blast.   Morpheus, consumed by the dark magic and the powerful energies unleashed, absorbed a significant portion of the explosion's impact. His body, if not for his celestial blood, unbeknownst to him, he might not have been able to contain the immense power. A normal man destroyed, but instead he was transformed into a vessel of both darkness and light. Morpheus became an entity torn between two realms, forever trapped in a state of inner conflict.   He became the plaything of Isolde, she used him for his now unique abilities which he struggled to control. Until one day he was brought to the Magnus's an outcast pair of vampires who hailed from the city of Galvania.   At one time Franz Magnus XV and Jezabel Magnus ruled Galvania until they were ousted by a great adventurer named Tremon Beauridge.   Ownership changed hands between Isolde and Franz Magnus XV. He soon found that the Magnus's were obsessed with the an ancient relic known as Turaehte the Greatspear first weilded by Franz the First King of Greatspear.   Legend says that there will be great conflict in the land, kings will vie for control of the realm. Peace will only be restored when a decendant of the First King of Greatspear that carries the ancient relic Turaehte back into the kingdom will finally bring peace.   The Magnus's believe this means that if they get a hold of The Greatspear they will be able rule all of the all of the Kingdom of Greatspear. And the key to finding it is within the the great Rune Forge lost during the The Arcane Forge War. They spent countless nights researching and trying to find any information that would lead them there.   Morpheus's job was to navigate the sea's during there search for the forge, during which they found a new home. He sailed the waters at in accordance with their every whim, but not before they made him their thrall.   He pauses, as though he is lost in thought. There is an uneasy silence for a few minutes. Whatever it is this weighs on him greatly. Finally he goes on to say. After that day I whatever humanity was left in me was gone. He said "Now I am cursed to live in darkness."   He doesn't outright say it, but he implies that he is a vampire spawn. He brought them to an island south of Pontemundi where they established their a new city which they dubbed New Galvania. It was an amazing feat, but he got away from them after some time, "but that is a story for another day" he says.


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