Woe aka E'moncitriem

In the years before the great sundering E'moncitriem was a born to a high ranking blue dragon family. His siblings enjoyed the deserts that were their turf in lower Aria Aendor. The deserts name at that time was the southern wastelands. E'moncitriem was the youngest sibling within his family. His other siblings are as follows:  
  • FearWeaver aka So'rugratip
  • SpearFang aka Tar'bterrin
  • SorrowBringer aka K'wiwreath
  •   At the time Suzerain Magnostin aka BoltTongue ruled as the Suzerain. E'moncitriem and his siblings all wanted to be Suzerain, they were young and foolish, but they decided they wanted to challenge the Suzerain anyway. Within their laws it was possible for multiple dragons to challenge the Suzerain, and the siblings took advantage of this. One night the four dragons flew to the Suzerain's lair, they issued their challenge. It was within the perview of the Suzerain to accept or deny the challenge. The suzerain decided that this would be accepteable and that would bring with him, his guard in full. The siblings agreed.   Though they tried to recruit more to their cause no others wanted to join them in their challenge. It was FearWeaver aka So'urgrapit who suggested they get help from the lesser races. In the end they decided the best way to do this was to each become of a race they wished to recruit to their cause. They found the path to facilitate this in Baba Yaga. They traveled into the feywiled. They searched for months to find Baba Yaga, navigating a strange and forein plane of capriciousness.   No one knows what deal they had to make in order for Baba Yaga to grant their request, but they walked away as a human, dwarf, elf, and orc.   The oldest sibling SorrowBringer aka K'wiwreath chose the Dwarves because they were great warriors. The second oldest SpearFang aka Tar'tberrin chose elves because they were the strongest in magic. The third oldest FearWeaver aka So'urgrapit chose Humans because of there versatility. The youngest Woe aka E'moncitriem was left with orcs, the dumbest but the greatest in raw strength.   Each of them started with no land and no rank amongst their races. They spent there time proving themselves to there chosen fellow races. The second oldest SpearFang aka Tar'tberrin was found out by the Elves after he rose to a point where he was begining to be infuential. The elves could see through the magic of Baba Yaga. It was them who trapped the soul of SpearFang aka Tar'tberrin in a spear. The found it an afront to try to fool them, so they fasioned the great spear into a weapon capable of slaying dragons.   It was said that the spear was to be the largest spear ever crafted. It had the power to grant its weilder the ability to fly, and was made of a very lightweight mithral. It was said that it could shoot a devistating lightning bolt from its point. Too much of SpearFang aka Tar'tberrin was in the spear though and nearby dragons could sense the soul of SpearFang aka Tar'tberrin sometimes leading a dragon to come and challenge it's presense not knowing it was only a spear. If the spear was thrown it would hit its target without fail, and after it did, it would return back to it's weilder. It was said that the spear would float next to it's weilder and by thought alone would be able to attack without being held.   SorrowBringer aka K'wiwreath lead the runforge dwarves. It was with great sorrow that he saw his sibling SpearFang aka Tar'tberrin brought into the forge where the dwarves and elves worked to turn him into the Great Spear. He made sure that SpearFang aka Tar'tberrin would still aid them in their battle by making sure that the spear went to FearWeaver aka So'urgrapit who lead the humans.   The Great Spear was forged to kill dragons its length was said to be twice the height of a human, and it's girth was so that one would not be able to grip it with one hand alone. The spear on the end was said to we be as large as a dragon Fang. FearWeaver aka So'urgrapit was very large for a human but with the properties of flight the spear possessed he was able to easily weild it. FearWeaver aka So'urgrapit tought his fellow humans exacatly how to kill dragons and implemented a law that ended up shaping their lives into being the most elite warriors the world has ever seen.   Woe aka E'moncitriem felt akin to the orc's, being the youngest his siblings made him fell as an outcast, just as the orc's felt amongst the other races. His siblings began to be weary of him. Though of all the siblings it was Woe aka E'moncitriem who able to instill a new zeitgeist amoungst his fellow dragons. Against all odds he was able to convince other dragons to help fight against the Suzerain. When the sibilings finally came together to present their armies that would fell the Suzerain. Woe aka E'moncitriem's siblings saw orc's riding dragons and were disgusted. Woe aka E'moncitriem too was disgusted by the devulging of the secrets of how to kill a dragon. The two sibling's rose up and killed their brother. Baba Yaga was not done with Woe aka E'moncitriem yet. It is not known what deal he made with Baba Yaga but Woe aka E'moncitriem returned in his dragon form and with a plan to destroy his siblings. He waged war on the other races until Woe aka E'moncitriem finally offered the elves an armistance. It was at this time that he exposed his siblings true nature to the other races. The elves unweaved the magic that turned SorrowBringer aka K'wiwreath int a dwarf, once they killed him it was said that they used his scales to make a magic shield.   Though FearWeaver aka So'urgrapit was married to a high elf named Opheria Quel'thalone, she begged the elves not to kill her husband and expose him as a dragon. She knew it would crumble the empire that he had created. Her husband even though a dragon he helped unite the humans. They offered her this, if she would kill him herself then they would not expose him.   It was rumored that she brought her husband a bottle of Ithilquisst filled with enough purple worm poison to kill the both of them. It fell to their son to be the second King of Greatspear at the age of 5 years old. And so the spear passed to him.
    Black spewing smoke with motes of ash floating about.

    This article has no secrets.


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