
Born in the ancient city of Kephera, the last remenats of a once great epire named Bandonallese Empire. His home nestled by the shores and guarded by the Pharoah's rule. The Pharoah's rule did not only guard the city and it's people but also ancient forbidden knowlege that Zozth so desperatly craved. It was his curiosity that caused the calamity.
  Zozth's heart found solance in the embrace of Akila , his beloved wife, keeper of the city's sacred library. Together they sought the knowlege of the Bandonallese emepire, whose advanced technolgy had condimed the civilization to it's end.
  It was Akila who found the ancient underground temples and brought back books with forgetten lore to her husband. When the Pharaoh's Servents foudn these ancient temples they burned them to the ground. But there plans to snuff out all ancient knowledge was still staggered by the existance of the Thothinites a group of people who had memorized ancient books that were handed down through oral tradition directly from the ancient empire of Bandonall. The Thothanites guarded the forbbiden wisdom only sought peace, but the Pharaoh's men would never grant them that. They hunted them down and destroyed them. Akila risked everything in a desperate atempt to save the next generation of Thothanites, she brought the children to her husband Zozth and he in scurried them away to a hidden cave.
  It wasn't long before Akila was captured by the Pharaoh's men, Akila endured upseakable torment, though her spirit was unbroken. Zozth rushed to find her and when the Pharaoh's men found him, she brought before him, she looked wretched. He begged them to release her and told them it was him who had taken the children and that she did not even know where they were.
  They offered her release if he would tell them where the children where. As he told them, Akila shouted curses at her husband. After they found the children they slaughtered them where they hid in the cave. When the men returned, Zozth begged for them to release Akila, instead they plugged a knife into her heart as they cut her free, Zozth crawled to her and they pluged a knife into his back. They lay bleeding to death Zozth holding his wife.
  From the depths of dispair as his soul passed through the shadow plane, he could feel a presence follow him. It followed him still from the fugue plane as his soul passed on to the astral plane to meet the Guardian of the dead, Anubis. Anibis pulled the heart out of Zozth's chest and sat it upon the scales against the feather of Ma'at. His heart was the heaviest Anubis had ever seen. Zozth begged to return to the material plane so that he could set things right. At that moment Shar walked out from behind Zozth, she had followed him from the shadow plane.
  Only the two gods of death knew what deal was struck, but Shar sent Zozth back, as a Revenant. She gave him a mote of her power. She let him know that he was beholden to her and that he had a higher purpose, but first he would have his revenge.
  He went back to the dead children and brought forth thier spirits so that he may glean the ancient knowlege of the powerful Bandonallese Empire. He commanded powers unseen for thousands of years.
  Rose up and went to each of the Pharaoh's men's homes where he proceeded to slay their entire families infront of them. He killed their wives, children and even their pets. When he finished with the families killed them, brutally. Then it was time for the Pharaoh, Zozth bestoyed curses on the land. He dired up the rivers, the beautiful green plants and trees dried up. There was famon and everyone turned to pharaoh to right it. The Pharoaoh began to trade away the gold of his city to get the food the poeple so desperatly needed.
  Zozth then turned the sea to sand so that no boats could come to the shores of Kephera. Then he rained down fire from the skyies. The people prayed to their gods, but there was no reply. Zozth cursed the people with disease and pestilence, the people cried to the Pharaoh who could do nothing to help his people.
  Zozth came before the people and told them the only way to stop the plague was to rise up and kill the Pharaoh, some did, and they were destroyed by the Pharaoh's men. With the Pharaoh still alive, Zozth sunk the cities into the sands until nothing was left except a wasteland.
  He begged Shar to release him, but there was no reply. He dreamed of returning to his beautiful wife if she would even have him, but he could not die. The first time he threw himself from tall cliffs and the next day he returned in a strange land within the feywild. There he met the queen of air and darkness and it was then that he knew that his phylactory was the black diamond. His only peace would be to destroy it.
  He went back to his temple on the material plane and there he took the dead pharaoh and his men and mumified them to stand as guards to his temple. He worked tirelessly until he had enough arcane knowledge to engineer the destuction of the Black Diamond, all and all he knew somehow this was all part of Shar's plan in the end.
  After the destruction of the shard he finally rested in peace and as long as it is not brought back he will be able to remain resting in peace.




Towards Akila




Towards Zozth


Husand of @[Akila ](person:48e24da8-be67-44a7-9cdd-3902ce43b85b) was murdered in front of her. He was resurrected by the @[Raven Queen](person:4f85703b-8b9a-477b-9253-c32818d33bc3) him as a Revenant, he was punished to be a lich for all time after his crimes.

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