Fable of Creation 1.2

BOOK 2: The Maker's Moments

Chapter One: Davion Rising


Davion Rising

Salat had created...


the nothing, the not, the void.

Salat had only known of Salat.

In the creation of Davion, the entity now known as Davion took on a form that was of the same power and scale as Salat.


Davion saw Salat and destroyed the silence by speaking LOGOS.

"You are the Existence!"


Salat saw Davion and created the sound by speaking LOGOS.

"You are the end, my only friend, you are the nothing."


Chapter Two: The Long Twilight Struggle

The First Infinities

They were II infinitely powerful agents of great intelligence and great instinct.
Salat wisely concluded that there was no point in a full-frontal confrontation between equal powers.
Davion rose from not-Salat and hated and attacked and destroyed.

Black & Blows

Davion attempted to destroy Salat.
Salat attempted to re-create himself without Davion. Davion destroyed his attempt.
Davion attempted to destroy Salat, but found that Salat had already pre-created Salat.
Salat attempted to create a separation of Davion and Davion destroyed his attempt.
This continued & it continued & it continued & it continued.
Then, after an untold time, Salat attempted another creation and Davion attempted another destruction. However, this time Davion destroyed, not the entire creation, but only Salat’s accuracy, only his control. Davion had added the element of chance, of randomness. The creation happened, but not as Salat intended. And a Second Creation occurred, but this time driven by Chaos.

The Heaven

Salat’s uncontrolled creation generated the Myriandis, an area composed of pure Mana. It was the second creation of Salat, but Davion called it the third creation. It was everything that was not Salat and not Davion. It was very unlike Davion in that it was the potential existence of everything. It was very unlike Salat in that it was pure chaos. The Mana swirled around them and they were distracted by this third thing that was not them. It ended the battle that had raged for an untold time.

The Mana known as Myriandis was a lattice of pure ethereal possibilities. Representing creation in its purest form. Both Salat and Davion peered into the Myriandis and saw the potential of everything that could ever possibly exist.

The Caped Stopwatch, the Dralasite race, the town of Deathgulch, Disintegration of the Persistence of Memory, Last Stand of D'arjin, Gulf Coast Avengers, Gecko Fitz Lizard & the Beef-Jerky-Man, Rod of Valchuk, Stonepunk Clans, Dark Men of the Channel, Cocoon 84, Speakeasy Passwords, Gauntlets of Salhadas, Pirates of Penzance, Petroleum Duels, the sHell World, and all the images of everything that ever would be swirled around and around.

The two elder gods stared for an untold time.
Salat was overjoyed and concerned.
Davion was enraged and intrigued.


& The Myrid

Salat dove into the Mana that was an element of pure raw creation and began to mold and form it into a firmament. This Third Creation was solid and level, a perfect sphere of matter that Salat set out when he was finished. He hung it in the infinity of Myriandis. Salat scanned the perfect roundness of the matter and it pleased him.

Davion was incensed and began to destroy the firmament. He lashed out and carved a scoop of matter from the perfect, symmetrical surface. He attacked it vigorously in multiple spots. Davion’s chaotic efforts destroyed the creation unevenly, creating great peaks and valleys in what Salat now called the ground. Some of the destruction would cause complete annihilation, however, Salat countered the destruction. In some cases, he created more firmament from Myriandis to make up for that which Davion removed. In some cases, he built up the firmament even before Davion’s attack. As the battle of black & blows had raged so did the battle over Myrid.

Davion’s attempt caused great damage, but wound up limited to a fraction of destruction intended. Even the matter that was disintegrated was only partial done. Some of the firmament that was destroyed became transformed. Instead of being transformed back to Mana it became other forms of matter like plasma, gas, or liquid.

Again, after an untold time, and despite Davion’s attempts at total elimination, this creation of firmament continued to exist. It was constantly changing under the power of the two Elders, but it would never again be gone completely. Davion paused and took untold time to think. There had to be a different approach that would result in the destruction of Myrid.

Salat looked at Myrid, and it was now a very uneven, pocked with nooks and crannies even Salat could not peer into without actively deciding to do so. It consisted of solids, liquids, and gasses, and it was mostly cold & dark except for pockets of hot bright plasma.

The two Elders stopped to watch these forms drift towards the center of Myrid. The forms settled with the most solid first and the gassiest hovering above. The plasma refused to behave and strung itself out all over Myrid weaving in and out of all the other forms. Where it touched the other forms it became lava and steam.

The Pact of Peace

Salat and Davion decided that they would no longer provide each other conflict. They agreed to separate Myriandis right down the center, right through the ball of matter called Myrid. Each of them could do exactly what they wanted with the Fourth Creation. They would each take half of Myrid as theirs. If the other did not molest the area belonging to the other there would be peace. They would leave each other alone and do nothing to interfere with the other’s creations or plans. They would cause no shenanigans.

It was a struggle for Davion, and it went against all he was, but he agreed to this boundary. This was the first time Salat noticed not knowing something. He called it the Ist surprise, and then Davion further surprised Salat by applying a condition. The IInd surprise was when Davion agreed to the Pact of Peace if, and only if, Salat agreed to an additional rule. This was a rule that Davion created. It required Davion to dig deep, it required him to go against his nature, and it required him to create. This rule was the first creation of Davion.


“If either side violated the Pact of Peace by interfering with the other half, then the entire world of Myrid would fall to the other for II Eras.”


Davion accepted the rule for it came from revenge.
Salat accepted the rule for it came from justice.
And thus, the Pact of Peace was accepted.


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