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Andermyre The Realm of Raw Existence

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Andermyre is the plane of all things. All the things that were and all those that will be.
In this fabric of mana hangs the three worlds of Dorumyr, Earth and Orionus.
Lurking in the thick fog of chaos is also what some would call the false world, The sHell World.

Andermyre is the first realm to exist and the homeland of the Elder Gods Salat and Davion.
The Great Maker & The Great Destroyer have moved on leaving the civilized races to their own destiny, but allowing other inexplicable powers to fill the power void they have left behind.

Hail and well met,
By choice or by accident you have found adventure.

My name is Robert Chase. I am the founding Game Master for the table top role-playing game setting of Andermyre.
My Gamemaster experience started in 1981, then took a bit of a break, and picked back up in earnest in 1986.
Since then there have been neigh-a-hundred of players that have had adventures in this multi-verse.
  If you find any of the worlds compelling please consider this your invite to reach out to play.
If you want to jump right in you can go to Character Creation
Robert Chase


From the beginning of time to "now" four worlds have been created. Browse the information in the worlds below. I hope you find one or more of them interesting. If so, find some friends that agree with you and let's get playing.

The World of Dorumyr

A low fantasy medieval world of monarchy and magic, of swords and sailors, of pirates and plunder. Where dungeons are deadly, actions have consequences, and success is earned.
Politics, strategic combat and power grabbing

Murder-hobos will live (or die) by the results of their actions.

The World of Earth

A more cinematic version of the world outside your door.
Your mundane life interrupted by spies and psis and mystery encounters from science fiction (& horror).
Role-playing, mysteries & investigation

The World of Orionus

The Earth below Orionus Station is still in recovery.
Civilization has been given a second chance to overcome their primal nature & uplift themselves to secure their place in the solar system and beyond.
Entrepreneurship, exploration & no no-win situations

The sHell World

For advanced players only.
A post-apocalyptic game of ruins and survival.

If you like a deadly challenge. If you know that if you take the GURPS Mighty Blow Attack maneuver in melee combat, you can spend FP to gain the damage bonus of an All-Out Attack (Strong) without sacrificing your defenses for the cost of 1 FP per attack... then this setting is for you.

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The One System is the 'physics' of the world. It gives the player probabilities so they can figure out what the chances of their character succeeding. IMHO a well done system does not give the player any power beyond their characters capabilities, and it becomes invisible to the story until there's a risk of failure.

The One System

One system to rule them all, One system to find them,
One system to bring them all and in the adventure bind them.

The Player's Tools

Important links to all the different tools we use to initiate, play and track our games.

Character Creation

Bring your imagination, your character concept and let's get started.

The Time & The Place

See if the regular time works for you or plan a special session.

Bring your imagination, your character concept and let's get started.


If you've found any of these worlds intriguing you might get some enjoyment out of the real world back-story of the setting.

Or maybe not, this section is self-indulgent.

History of the World Pt. 1

The real world history of how this meta-verse came to be.

Those that came before

The player hall of fame, along with the most famous characters to walk the worlds and some of their accomplishments.

The Fable of Creation

One of the earliest creation myths of the in-game origin of the multi-verse. A story mostly lost to legend and time.