Fable of Creation 1.3

BOOK 3: The Mirrors of Creation

Chapter One: The Rest of the World


Davion Falling

The act of creation hurt Davion greatly, and he retreated to recover by destroying his pain.

The 3 of Salat

Salat took advantage of the time. As long as Davion kept his word, he would not be allowed to meddle in Salat’s land when he returned. However, and even though he knew better, Salat had little faith that Davion would keep to the Pact of Peace once he was back and expected shenanigans. Additionally, Salat wanted to make sure his creation was more glorious than Davion’s destruction. So, he got started.

Salat got to work on Myrid and he started with The First of the Three of Salat. This was the creation that provided structure to the matter and energy that came from the Mana that is Myriandis. Salat created laws of logic. Immediately, these laws applied to all the matter and energy that had been created from the Mana. Salat noticed curiously that the Mana itself was immune to these laws. This was the second time Salat noticed not knowing something and decided to think about it later during the time known as the Embracing of the Soak. Salat realized that if he wanted to think about something at a later time, he needed to create time.

The Second of the Three of Salat was a cleanup of all the plasma that had come from the battle over Myrid. Plasma was an extremely hot combination of matter and energy and could melt other forms of the firmament. Salat wanted it extremely far away from his side of Myrid so he gathered it up into balls and threw them far away so Myrid would be safe. In case he needed any plasma later Salat saved one ball to keep close by and placed that ball suspended next to Myrid. This ball, that Salat called the Sun, set the mix of Mana, mater & energy that was Myriandis & Myrid in motion. Salat called this motion time.

While Salat was busy with the stars, the laws of logic were acted upon by this new creation of time. The laws became science. The laws expanded to physics and chemistry. The laws spread and generated -istrys, -sics and -ologies. Now that the laws of logic were combined with time, things were progressing without Salat’s constant attention and control. The world had begun to run by itself. Salat saw the clockwork universe start, and was delighted, but he knew that for it to continue, it would have to continue without him. He prepared to break his connection to the laws. The laws would be a system all on their own. Like the Mana of Myriandis it would be separate from either Salat or Davion.

Salat noticed that the Sunbathed Myrid had light and energy and considered it beautiful. The firmament, now called Salland, absorbed, stored, and radiated the energy, but Salat wanted a creation that would use the energy. Salat decided to create The Third of the Three of Salat, Salat decided to create life. This life he called Archaea, and he let it flourish.

While Salat was busy with his third creation, the laws of logic, and the science they created, spread through all the matter and energy of Myriandis. The laws spread everywhere and spread to Davion’s side of Myrid.


Chapter Two: The Rest of Revenge

Davion returned after destroying his hurt. He had annihilated his weakness and was at full strength. Davion saw that the laws had almost completely permeated his half of Myrid, and Davion was enraged and overjoyed. He had Salat.


Davion saw Salat and spoke LOGOS.

"You must submit to the Pact of Peace and be banished"


Salat saw Davion and spoke LOGOS.

"I did not meddle in your half. The Pact is clear and consistent."


Davion saw Salat and spoke LOGOS.

"Are you not your creations?"


Salat saw Davion and spoke LOGOS.

"I have destroyed my connection to my creations. It is not time for this now."


Davion hated law & order, but knew he had to keep to the Pact for now.


Davion saw Salat and spoke LOGOS.

"We must amend the law to include any of our creations."


“If either side, OR THEIR CREATIONS, violated the Pact of Peace by interfering with the other half, then the entire world of Myrid would fall to the other for II Eras.”


Davion amended the rule for it came from revenge.
Salat amended the rule for it came from justice.
And thus, the Pact of Peace was amended.


The act of destroying his connection with his next creations hurt the already weakened Salat greatly, and he retreated to recover by creating his missing pieces.


Chapter Three: The 3 of Davion

Now that the laws of time and stars and life were not wholly owned of Salat, they ran rapidly through all the matter and energy. Davion, found that, now that they were not connected with Salat, they could be useful to him. Davion wanted to take advantage of the time of Salat’s rest. He wanted his destruction to be more glorious than Salat’s creations.

Davion began to work on Myrid by working on The 1st of the 3 of Davion. Davion needed to know that when something was destroyed that it couldn’t be put back again easily. That Salat’s creations couldn’t just be restored with a simple wave of Mana. Davion wanted there to be some things that were irreversible. Somethings that could never be fixed.

Using Salat’s laws & time, Davion destroyed the lack of entropy. Davion was pleased with this, and followed it up with a trick of sorts. Davion used Salat’s earlier mistake to his advantage and destroyed his connection to entropy. He followed this up by adding entropy to the laws. This allowed entropy to seep back through all the matter and energy of Myriandis without breaking the Pact of Peace. Davion laughed.

Davion continued by working on The 2nd of the 3 of Davion. Davion enjoyed the tricks, and when Salat returned Davion wanted to keep watch on his activities. Davion reached down into the land he now called Daviotica, his half of Myrid. He scooped up a portion of the firmament and destroyed every part of it that was not a mirror. Gazing at the polished small sphere he placed it carefully in the ethereal curtain that was Myriandis. To get more surveillance out of it he started it in motion around Myrid. He was pleased to see the reflection of Salland shown clearly off its surface. Davion named this spy in the sky Sehanine.

Davion continued with The 3rd of the 3 of Davion. He saw the life that Salat created and destroyed the lack of life on his side of Myrid. Davion wanted creatures that could feed on each other. Davion had created Bacteria.

Salat returned to Myrid. He had created all the missing pieces of himself and was at full power. He was surprised for the IIIrd time when he found what Davion had destroyed. He saw the tricks that allowed him to push the boundaries of the Pact of Peace without breaking it. He saw the reflection flooding back and forth across Daviotica. These were truly shenanigans.


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