The sHell World Geographic Location in Andermyre | World Anvil

The sHell World

The Fourth World

No one knows who made sHell World.
No one knows when sHell World was made.
No one knows why sHell World was made.

sHell world is a place where splinters of worlds and times are held tightly together.
They are separated by thin barriers of science and magic.
When elements bleed over then someone, or something, appears from somewhere.
They come to clean up the anomaly, by any means necessary.


For the sHell World: The Starlost, Mongo, Sigil, Callahan's, Time Bandits, Doctor Who, Sliders
For Gaftwud/Winmerica: Fallout 4, Planet of the Apes, Mad Max, Buck Rodgers, Ark II, Gamma World, Damnation Alley, Walking Dead, Last Man on Earth, The Omega Man, I am Legend  

Starting Point

Winmerica is a growing city with a long history on the edge of the red wastes.
Today it's streets are filled with dozens of gun guilds looking for a job or looking for trouble.
The twelve guild masters on the Winmerica Council keep the lawless from taking their whims out on the farmers, forge-men and families of the area.
  It's population had recently expanded and the small town on the western frontier has become a city. The people are still very independent, and protective of their relations. Small arms are common, as are rifles and the Winmerica wealthy can afford automatic weapons. Low-glow watt-moss is harvested from vats and provides energy to keep the lights on at night and the radios singing. The town even has a movie theater, and will pay top coin to add media found in the wastes to it's collection.   Dire Tortoise are the towns main beasts of burden. While slow they are strong and can carry a large amount of cargo and are immune to the radiation of the wastes. Dusters are short road-running-raptors who carry messages and packages quickly between settlements.   Bicycles are available for in city travel, but if you want to leave down you'll want a motorcycle or automobile. Blacktop 08 is the main road maintained seasonally by the gypsy caravan known as the Cystem, but you'll likely have to go off road if you want to get to one of the 9 compounds that support the town. Most recently Winmerica opened up the iron line, a refurbished railroad track that currently goes out to the empty ghost town of Sulfur.   Some still say there's gold in them red hills, but most humans aren't going to risk The Rot to go into the razor rust and find out. Humanoid mammal men from the south, and warped mole-men from below aren't as effected by The Rot and have started to make their fortune working for others doing the dangerous work humans don't want to do. Most recently a horde of reptilians who have been named Sleastaks have come to town. These mysterious outsiders bring potions and incantations with them as they attempt to settle into the Winmerica culture.  

How is sHell World played differently?

This world can be a fit for any character imaginable, and for a seasoned mature role-player it is a fantastic playground. You are encouraged to push the envelope on what kind of character you can play, and test not just your role-playing skills, but the creativity needed for collaborative storytelling.

It is a world where any character you can think of can find a place, but the setting is the most complicated of the Worlds. More than any 'single' setting of Fantasy, Psi-spy, and Space Frontiers, this one is run as a sandbox and puts a lot of storytelling onto the players in a more collaborative way than the other more 'module' focused worlds.

  As a 'sandbox' these points are in play:
  • The world can be deadly, only your planning and the dice will determine your fate.
  • As a result, it's probably a good idea to have a backup character concept ready to go.
  • Encounters; social, combat, hazards are all designed to fit the story of the area, not any set skill level.
    Some engagements may be above your capabilities and should be avoided... at least for the time being.
  • Food & water is extrapolated as 'Grub'. Bullets, arrows, etc are all just 'Ammo'.
    Both are tracked but generally do not impact encumbrance.
Dimensional, Pocket

Tech Level

It depends.

  Mana Level
It depends.

+ + +
+ + + +

  Power Sources
+ + + + + +

The Dire Tortoise Pen of Yellow Path Station
During the time of towers
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sHell World


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