The World of Earth

The Second World

The citizens of the United States watch the death throes of the cold war as Y2K approaches.
Creatures that go bump in the night crawl out of closets with mysterious agendas.
Pockets of paranormal meta-humans are either discounted, discredited, ignored or hunted.

Earth is the world outside your door acting as a thin veil of normalcy that hides dangers underneath.
Mundane people move from home to work to home without knowing the true nature of the world, that is until something wakes them up. Just like Like what happened to you.


X-files, Stranger Things, Dreamscape, Watchmen, Firestarter, Ghostbusters James Bond, Friday the 13th (TV)

Starting Point

Daingerfield Island hosts sailing, fishing, and field sports, and the Potomac River Sailing Association, along with a popular restaurant. The 106-acre site is easily accessible from the George Washington Memorial Parkway or the Mount Vernon Bike Trail. It is part of Arlington, VA and is a national park enjoyed by kids and adults alike from the various suburbs around Washington D.C.   It is also sits above a small top secret government base. Part listening post for paranormal activities, part research lab for clandestine human testing, and part warehouse for an 'unusual' items. It has been minimized and ignored for decades.
  That is until now. 1991. A teacher reports her students are being kidnapped and replaced with exact duplicates, all the trees' sap in Green Spring Gardens runs red, a gravedigger claims Arlington cemetery is going to assassinate the president, a plague of jellyfish fill the Potomac, a homeless man is rich the next day, and a leather bound tome from the archive is found in a different place each full moon.
  The 555-2368 hotline rings weekly with a report of some unusual occurrence, and everyone at the facility has a feeling that there's something trying to break into the facility, or even worse, that something is trying to bust out.  

How is Earth played differently?

One member of the party should be connected with The Facility in someway. They don't have to be an agent, a group of kids who's uncle works there would be enough. Most of the adventures will be investigating to find the truth. Interrogations, searching for clues, connecting the dots. There certainly will eventually be some form of weapon based combat, but specializing in a solid right hook might be more useful.

In addition take a look at these expectations:
  • Fright checks are a thing. For non-experienced mundanes this could occur when squeamish things happen and not wait until a jump scare.
  • The mood and experience of this world is most collaborative. If you, as a player, don't like these inspirations or this genre you should stay away.
  • The character type wont effect scope or stakes, but will effect geography. Agents will have the budget to go to Arizona and Kuwait, and a group of kids generally wont.
  • Adventures may not be resolved cleanly, especially if all the clues aren't found. A successful mission resolves the danger, but not necessarily explains everything.
  • Notes are encouraged as many seeming innocuous events may be connected. Get your red yarn.

A great deal of the world history of Earth, and can be found at this website.

Dimensional plane

Tech Level


Mana Level


  Power Sources
+ + + +

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