Those that came before... Myth in Andermyre | World Anvil

Those that came before...

By no means a comprehensive list, and always a work in progress.
Here are some of the many Tales of Andermyre told in order of real world play.
Below that are names of those that have played.

Previously... on Andermyre

Starting in 1980 for the Traveler campaign, then in 1986 for reals.
With apologies to the early players for my immature GMing style.

Uplift &
Off world
We want you! Join the Gun Guild and see the universe. Some conditions may apply.OrionusTravelerFt. Leavenworth
Wolfs wordLycanthrope royalty rules the slave trade keeping the skins in shackles.DorumyrAD&DWashington D.C.
Dark SonsA web of city-states cooperate (mostly) to fight-off and take back the too-quiet ancient wild.DorumyrAD&DWashington D.C.
Psis & SpiesA cold war and Psionic escalation. Protect freedom. Protect democracy.EarthChampionsWashington D.C.
Saddles & Six-gunsTaking down the man has never been so fun on the frontier. On to the next bank to rob.EarthBoot HillWashington D.C.
Gold in AgeArrggg mates!EarthPirates and Plunder.Washington D.C.
Pocket ProblemsThe world is up for grabs if those that want it can take it.EarthLords of CreationWashington D.C.
3rd Space BeheldOur solar system discovers precursor technology that opens it up to the galaxy.OrionusStar FrontiersWashington D.C.
The Band of BulletsA select group of special forces must survive behind enemy lines only to discover there are no more lines.EarthTwilight 2000Washington D.C.
A Slaughter of WarmongersWeird worlds at war behind enemy lines.EarthIndiana JonesWashington D.C.
MCP :-)The computer is your friend.sHellParanoiaWashington D.C.
Mindking CurseThe freed amnesiacs hunt down their history.DorumyrAD&DDorms
Great HellscapeA hole in hell allows souls to escape only to be hunted by demons and devils.sHellGURPSDorms
Barbarians!The clash between Law and Chaos might doom us all.DorumyrAD&DStudent Center
X-Crisis WarA four-color collision of MC & Prime creates the Great Lakes Avengers.EarthMarvel Super HeroesStudent Center
Bishop's GateNovice adventurers are being used by those in power, man or god.DorumyrAD&DStudent Center
Salhadas & SerendeleThe last best hope for survival is a single city protected by a single prophecy.DorumyrD&D 2Student Center
Family of FangsCivilized society is blind to the real power struggle going on from the sewers to the great halls.EarthWhitewolfSIUC Apt.
Valiant VillainsWhen regular people get superpowers it is the end of following the rules of man.EarthV&VSIUC Apt.
The Rask SacrificeLegendary heroes fight their final challenge, and now they become the masters.DorumyrD&D 2SIUC Apt.
Ernst DuchyA single city-state is a crucible of politics.DorumyrD&D 2SIUC Apt.
SalandA burgeoning land of raw magic and fantasy.DorumyrD&DSIUC Apt.
Heroes LeagueA huge team of unique fantasy heroes must figure out where they came from while saving the kingdom.ShellD&D 2In the city
Starbadge WarningsThe western frontier of America must muster the mystic arts to hold off an invasion from above.EarthGURPSMt. Prospect
Shade SlayersThose born with the taint of dead gods must be raised in the light or be corrupted by below.DorumyrD&D 2Downers Grove
Under AboveThe denizens of the under-dark are infiltrating the surface world.DorumyrD&D 2Downers Grove
The 13, 13s come homeA sacrifice backfires and a rebellion starts.DorumyrRolemasterWrigley
Times after TimesA magic watch left behind as the first breadcrumb to lead through all of the Worlds.DorumyrD20Wrigley
Blacksoak HuntersTeams form with the soul purpose of saving the world from the Column of the Planes.DorumyrD&D 3Wrigley
The La'DovaA single island, six colony ships, limited peoples, no magic, a continent of evil.DorumyrGURPSShakespeare
Crystal DomesAwakened from cocoons they have survived the last cataclysm.DorumyrNeverwinter Nights 2.0Shakespeare
Alharha CoastVestiges of civilizations must come together on land, sea and air to fight for their space. CHUCK!DorumyrD&D 4Shakespeare
Station XAdventures of a neutral zone space station.OrionusBabylon 5Shakespeare
Firemaster ClanA tentative truce to trade the technology of fire with the technology of water must be made to survive.EarthCave MasterShakespeare
Vigilance FilesOnly a specialized team of powerful heroes can keep the creepy and crawlies under wraps.sHellD20Brophy
LarsonlandA tight nit group discovers there are no bad guys.EarthFateBrophy
Ruins RadiatedThe people of Lonepine continue to venture out in the world for adventure and relics.OrionusMutant Crawl ClassicsBrophy
The Two TowersA man out of time joins bounty hunters looking to make the world a better place and discovers it's not what they think.Shell WorldGURPS by PostBrophy
MyskidtCivilization reborn. Building a great city. Limited resources necessitate going to the mainland or dying.DorumyrGURPSBrophy
Time and Time againTo fight off the Lord of Frost 13 heroes must travel back to stop 4 Lords. Many will die in the effort.DorumyrD&D 5Library
Misbehave AimThe vast expansion awaits. The promised land lays just beyond the next contract.OrionusGURPSBrophy
Hex MakersExpansion from the Crystal Arks leads to war.DorumyrHomebrewBrophy
Lake ErrieThe Kids of Gerville bond together to use the 5 keys to stop the Water gods from wiping Earth off the map.EarthKids on BikesLibrary
Some of the names of players who came before...

Arron Branstetter
Randy Kates
John Stewart Bernard

... and in not so much a particular order.
Jennifer Crowell
Robert Macia
Don Vana
Tom Gowen
Tom Kalowski
Jerry Huckins
Dave Wright
Michael Fenili
Percival Chase
Logan Vana
Michael Wright
Ashley Palma
Jason Cerillo
Jim Sweeney Jr.
Doug Ishchinger
Ray Good
Dynese Wenthold
Eric Cagle
Michael Vernon
Jeff Martin
David Ernst
Deborah Fischer
Joe Sadler
James Walker
Laten Carter
Dave Wright
Ken Andrews
Jeffrey Weinmann
Aaron Boaz
Kelly & his Wife
Dino Minakis
Nick DiBattista
Karen Larson
Sheyann Larson
Kevin Larson
Kevin Kimball
Steve Gunsior
Eric Cayford
Kurt Benson
Kathy Vana
Ted Walker
Scott Adamson
Travis Scarborough
John Thomas Brennan
Matt Rainey
Larry Lembcke
Scott Casper
Judy Zamon
Mike Wice
Aaron Phelps
Brian Dugan
Sophia Houge

And the the Strategic Games Society of SIUC 1988-1992
And the kids of Windy City Theater
And the teens of the Park Ridge Public Libary
And the members of the Three Thousand Society
Oberingirth & Princess Fangface
The first player character on Myrid (Mike Fenili)
Breaking the Chains from the Wolfsword chronicle
It's all a rich tapestry
Walter Perry using the portal crystal
The beginning of the Pocket Problems
Commissioned artwork by Dennis Loubet
The Sorority is labeled outlaws
The Valiant Villains turn heroes
Commissioned artwork by Jeff Dee


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