Abyssal Species in Ávra | World Anvil


The Abyssal have an extremely rudimentary system for breathing via inhalation, as they lack an autonomic diaphragm response; this part of their brain is linked to the ganglia in their gills, autonomically pumping water to extract oxygen. Due to this, they must actively breathe when on land, which is taxing, so they avoid extended periods of time on land.   The Abyssal have harnessed pressurized water as a power source for hundreds of years; their technological advancement is not far behind Dunnywild, although most of their technology requires submergence in water to work, with a few pieces of technology that don’t rely on complex pressurized water cartridges, thus limiting their use on land.   One such example of their ingenuity with pressurized water is the Syphon-Spear, a rifle like firearm that utilizes small cartridge tanks of hyper pressurized water to propel thin spears. When out of spears, the pressurized water can shoot projectiles of the hyper pressurized water in a large cone in short distances, to detrimental effect as well.   Although adept swimmers, Abyssal do not live 'buoyant', floating about in the water, but instead possess multiple small swim bladders across their body that allows them to control their buoyancy. This effectively works as a personal gravity system, allowing them to walk and move underwater as one does on land. They are incredibly strong, as they spend their lives moving through water, and have developed a dancer like gait to be able to minimize drag as they walk on the ocean floors.   The incredible strength they possess is most noticeable on land, when they are no longer constricted by the pressure of the water against their movements. On land, they are able to lift great weight, move at incredible speeds and do most any physical activity at or above peak human performance with ease. The only limit is their own personal oxygen supply. As stated before, breathing on land is taxing for Abyssal, and their feats of strength are limited to the exhaustion that can easily overwhelm them when stressing their bodies too much on land. When this happens, they must return and rest in water, giving their atrophied lungs time to heal and recoup as they utilize their gills to breathe.   • Syphon Spear Mastery: All Abyssal have some form of training with the Syphon Spear, and usually carry at the least a side arm version. Their affinity for the weapons grants them better handling with the delicate weapons. ○ When handling Syphon Spears, Abyssal get +1 to attack stacked on top of damage multiplier the weapon would normally grant • Barnacles: Barnacles naturally roost on the bodies of the Abyssal, who can use them to their advantage in battle ○ All physical attacks from the Abyssal are granted +1 to roll (Stacks with Water Master) • Water Master: The Abyssal glide through water akin to birds gracefully flocking through the skies. ○ When in water, the Abyssal is granted +1 non-violent action and +1 to all attack rolls (stacks with Barnacles and Syphon Spear Mastery) • Breathe, damnit!: The Abyssal must consciously remember to breathe when on land, unless utilizing some form of reverse breathing apparatus. If using a breathing apparatus, -1 to all movement based roles in and out of battle ○ Outside of battle § The Abyssal must roll d20 at start of each scene/encounter. □ 1-19: The abyssal remembers to breathe, all is well □ 20: The abyssal loses track and starts to suffocate, causing them hypoxic damage until they remember. -2 to health ○ In battle § The Abyssal must roll d20 on first turn of battle □ 1-19: The abyssal is aware of their breathing and in control during the entire encounter 20: The abyssal is distracted by the battle and must regain focus. On each turn roll a d12, 1-11 abyssal breathes fine, nat 12 Abyssal takes hypoxic damage, -1 to health


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