Akashic the Gnostic

• DESCRIPTION 6 foot tall Charismatic Chimera, their attire screams Bohemian Baphomet. Orange fur with dark circles around their eyes, with the leopard print accenting their arms and legs. Typically wears purple, black, white, and gold trimmed regal uniform. This gives them the appearance of an eccentric scholar / sage. Has a halo and wings these are their Elantrian traits that remained along with their piercing green eyes which has central heterochromia with a golden ring around the pupil.   They also have horns and a tail which has a tuft of hair starting in blond and ending in black which mirrors their blond braided hair, and black beard with gold bands. The horns, tail, and cloven hoofs typically get in the way due to still not being accustomed to these recent additions.   Has pierced septum with a gold ring even before the alchemical additions; will occasionally smoke a cigar full of herbs that alchemists have provided for them.     • LORE • Born in Brittlesword Freestates under the name REDACTED to a spiteful union of a Male Radicchioloan Human Slayer named Gar and a Elantrian female Ríocht Summoner named Dor. Comes from lower-class carpentry background with very questionable business relations. Akashic had to also raise his younger brothers until the age of 19 when he left home / was kicked out to pursue school / also not get involved in the illegal operations of his family.   Redacted used to perform as a Bard under the alias AkaGnostic in costume before going to university and has met quite the number of people via these tavern parties, most of which end up sailing far and wide. Has natural Elantrian rooted charisma but this can also backfire due to people being too open with them occasionally; not that they mind, they learn to live with it.   Always valued education as a means of improving ones and others lives and because of that eventually enrolled in The University in The Shadowlands to learn uninhibited. This was inspired due to some conversation with Drakken Silvertongue that helped light the fire in this darkened souls life at the time many moons ago in a tavern on all hallows eve. They would keep in contact via letters, and eventually build a partnership due to their opposite nature but similar good-natured disposition. Drakken is the only one who knows REDACTED's true name; upon enrolling in the university, they gave themselves the name Akashic which was a Dunnywild old word for Ethereal, Sky or Aether.   Akashic always had open views on life and because of their Elantrian heritage they felt a natural calling towards the Warlock Arts. As part of their pacts, they eventually promised to augment their body to reflect their agreements with some deity; this was really a Win-Win scenario for Akashic because they wanted to change their appearance with alchemy anyway, and this also got them money from alchemic colleagues who needed to practice anyway; The University scholars and students can be extremely eccentric and liberal with their guidelines as long as it advances understanding, and is consensual to all free-willed individuals involved.   Upon graduation, Akashic legally earned the title of The Gnostic granting them access to The University's "Hunt, Educate, Learn, and Protect" (A.K.A - H.E.L.P) Department. This granted them liberty to travel across the land to recruit & recover people and items that could be extremely helpful for The University.   This would eventually put them into contact with the Strega Ursul organization, and unknowingly into physical contact with Draken Silvertongue again, who was taken back a bit, but that is a story for another day.       • AFFILIATIONS ○ GROUPS § The University / Works as a Gnostic in the H.E.L.P ( Hunt, Educate, Learn, Protect) Department. Master in Warlock Arts with a Minor in Music § Strega Ursul / Helps them with their Zoological & archeological work because this is a boon to The University § Radicchiolo Crime Family / His Father Gar taught him many of the old ways, and connections was going to be used as a political puppet of the family. His father was going to use Akashic's Elantrian roots to push him into politics in order to be a pawn of the family in controlling political affairs in Brittlesword Freestates § Adventurers in general / Due to preforming in a sea town as a bard under the alies of AkaGnosticVT Akashic has made several connections both good and bad with people ○ PEOPLE § Drakken Silvertongue / Partner Very close friend turned lover of Akashic. Met in a Tavern when they were AkaGnosticVT, their soulful conversations helped give Akashic the motivation they needed to pursue their future and not fall victim to their families bullshit. They kept in contact via letters, and upon their reunion he was a bit taken back with the change of looks. They are each other's opposites, and this works to both of their advantages to many situations. § Gar / Father Human who is a carpenter by day but in reality is a slayer for the Radicchiolo Crime Family who operates in the Brittlesword Freestates; fucked a Ríocht Elantrian to spite her brother / family, which led to a spiteful union which would eventually birth Akashic § Dor / Mother Ríocht Elantrian Summoner who after marriage fell into a drinking problem; aside from their children, who they loved, the only solitude they found was in song and never sober.


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