Aurafolk Species in Ávra | World Anvil


Aurafolk are quite rare and were created during the fall of the Old Gods. When the war of the Old Gods ended, the blinding flash created many tethers between the Firmament and the World Below, allowing Aura to flow freely between the two.   In these areas where tethers were suddenly created, small tribes of semi sentient creatures were dwelling, already naturally attuned to Aura. Their concentration is possibly what acted like a lightning rod to cause the tether to touch down and form in those areas.   This sudden influx of Aura hyper evolved these creatures, which became known as Aurafolk. They are capable of a great many magics due to their direct link with the Aura of the World as well as the Tethers.   All Aurafolk share certain physical characteristics, such as tri-antlers, hooves and runes that glow when the Aurafolk is tapping into their power. Besides this, Aurafolk range in a multitude of colors.   Aurafolk are naturally attuned to the world around them, and tend to live in small villages in the wilds. They are firm believers in honoring the life-force of all living creatures, and as such, will utilize any kills in their entirety, letting nothing go to waste.


Natures attunement

The Aurafolk have a natural connection to the natural world around them, able to tap into the Aura contained in all living things and focus it into offensive and defensive spells. Roll d20 for effect
  • 1-10: DM choice of spell called forth, one use. Roll d6 for effect.
  • 11-15: Player choice of spell, must utilize local flora only, one use. Roll d6 for effect.
  • 16-19: Player choice of spell, can use any flora or fauna in the area, one use, Roll d6 for effect.
  • 20: Player choice of spell, can use flora, fauna or earth, can use spell for rest of fight. Roll d6 for effect when used.
  • Counts as separate action from the Attack action.

Item Apparition

Aurafolk can tap into the alternate realm beyond The Firmament and pull items into Ávra for their use.
Roll d20 for item pull:
  • 1-10: Player pulls a non-offensive item, DM choice, Item apparition can be used again for the current battle
  • 11-15: Player pulls a non-offensive item, player choice, Item apparition can be used one more time in current battle
  • 16-19: Player pulls offensive item, DM choice, Item apparition can only be used once for the current battle
  • 20: Player pulls offensive item, Player choice, only has 2 uses, Item apparition can only be used once for the current battle

Aura Glow

The Aurafolk's Runic Markings begin to glow with ethereal light as they begin pulling in the ambient Aura around them. They use this Aura boost to enhance their physical abilities.
Roll d20:
  • 1-10: Aurafolk gains +1 to all physical action rolls
  • 11-19: Aurafolk gains +3 to all physical action rolls
  • 20: Aurafolk gains +3 to all physical actions and gains either an extra attack or passive action for one turn


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