
Blaskateers can trace their origin back to a small convent situated in Mother's Watch Bay, in the country of Dunnywild. The convent wished to educate Dwarven women in a martial art that they could utilized to protect themselves across the world. Utilizing the Dwarven knack for machinery, combined with the quick advancement of technology in Dunnywild, the art they created was one of both close range combat and long range suppression. Utilizing a mixture of slashing, stabbing and firearms via the specialized weapon, the Shotsabre, the art is focused on crippling and killing the targets. This is not the art of a pacifist, despite its origin. The art was originally only taught in the convent, before Nuns began to make pilgrimages to seek out other Dwarven Monasteries to teach the art. It eventually spread among the Dwarven enclaves, and now most Dwarven women have some sort of Blaskateer training.   Those that devote their lives to the art usually ply their trade as assassins and soldiers-for-hire. A professional blaskateer can be identified by their distinct tattoos, which are always violet in color and have a sheen due to the minerals mixed into the dyes. They also tend to wear loose robes and shirts, to prevent inhibiting their movements.   The Shotsabre is the most important tool to a Blaskateer. Most practitioners craft their own, although some artisans are known to smith Shotsabres, but these are usually sold to tourists and are not as balanced or as high of craftsmanship as a practicer-built Shotsabre. Most practitioners will keep the same Shotsabres their entire career, continually tinkering and upgrading them as they age.   It is unknown how many active Professional Blaskateers are wandering The World, but it assumed they number in the mid hundreds.
Military, Mercenary Group


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