Catfolk Species in Ávra | World Anvil


Tall, slender humanoids, Catfolk are a race found in every corner of the world. They're typically taller than your average human, usually a bit more than the various varieties of elf. They'll live roughly as long as humans will, and have fur, often patterned like the domestic cats of the World, but can rarely have the wild varieties. Like their brethren, their ears sit atop their head in points, and their quite flexible and sensitive tails adorn the end of their abdomen. Catfolk are most widely known for their extreme contributions to exploration; many of the cartographers, adventurers, and archeologists of the world are Catfolk, and much of the extensive map detail is their doing. As they age, and the ravages of time take their youthful spirits, many will become scholars and experts of their craft; though through potent enough discoveries, they may become invigorated for "just one more" journey.   The origins of Catfolk are heavily debated, though rarely by the Catfolk themselves; their existence predates the Shatter, as found by similar ancient pieces of history that confirm Elantrians and Vathysians. Unlike those otherworldly sources, however, Catfolk are a confounding mystery, as the domestic and wild cats they emulate are in no shortage. Asking a Catfolk where they think they come from is largely brushed off; Catfolk tend to look towards the future, next horizon, or next discovery, rather than their own past.   While intermixing is available to them, hybridization is strange. Children will tend to be either largely indistinguishable from Catfolk or from their other parents, but will gain very small leans from the other side; human-catfolk hybrids, for example, may have cat-shaped eyes and claws, but will otherwise be completely human. This has led to even more bizarre speculation about their origin.    



You have 50 ft darkvision. (Passive)

Cat's Anatomy

Your natural claws can be used in many ways. You can climb surfaces more easily with them, as well as use them as weapons. Your body is naturally acrobatic, and can easily take falls with grace, as well as leap farther and higher.
  • +2 to all movement rolls

Cat's Curiosity

Your penchant for new discoveries causes you to be far more observant than the average person: You'll notice traps and hidden objects more easily than others, and it's harder to take you by surprise. This does not assist against objects or people who are magically hidden or disguised.
  • In battle: roll a d10 on any counterattack, 5 or higher and you dodge the counter attack
  • Outside of battle: When searching for an item or solving a puzzle, roll a d10, 8 or higher and the DM will give you a hint that ONLY your character will know
Catfolk Rogue in battle


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