Compendium Rules

As with any game, there are rules. Please observe the following rules when interacting with this compendium.

  • DM/MODS have ultimate say in all things. You can challenge a mods decision professionally in the discord.
  • DO NOT METAGAME. Do not trample on lore to make your own super kawaii desu-uber-mary-stu character. Don't make them a king of a land that already has a king, don't make them married to another player character if that’s not an agreed upon part of lore, etc. Be aware of meta gaming, and don't be mad if you're called out for it. Just fix whatever the issue is and move on.
  • Follow the flow of lore. When writing anything, especially lore, follow the flow of how things are written and make sure its written in world style. This also means be aware of spelling, grammar, syntax, etc. I understand no one is perfect, and the DM/MODS will periodically go through and fix errors and rewrite lore to better fit the flow, but if something is broken beyond repair or simply shows a lack of care in creation, it will be deleted and replaced with a blank page for you to start over.
  • When in doubt, ASK THE DM OR MODS.
  • Feel free to expand on your own articles at any time
  • Make sure to also read the actual game rules as they are created. The system we are using is very malleable and changes as needed, so keep up on them periodically. Major changes will be alerted in the Discord.
  • Follow the discussions in the Discord! There is commenting capabilitieson articles, please keep this to suggestions/etc, and keep all discussions in the discord.


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