Concerning all things you can shove in a bag

Starting Inventory

Your starting inventory can consist of the following items only:
  • 1 ranged weapon.
  • 2 non ranged weapons.
  • 1 shielding item.
  • 1 type of bag/pack/etc (no limit on what kind/type/magical/etc. if for story reasons)
  • Up to 10 units of any food/drink the character enjoys/are important to the character.
  • Up to 10 items that are important to the character/lore centric to your character.
  • Any clothing that is important to the character.

  • Any other items your character owns is assumed to be kept in their home/base/castle/hovel/hole/whatever   Be sure to describe the items, their BASIC lore, etc. anything you feel is important to know.   If the item is a legendary item, or world lore important item (or you wish it to be), please contact the DM or Mods to get the OK before adding world lore importance to any items.  

    During Gameplay

    You will be sure to collect items during gameplay, and are able to pick them up and carry them to your heart's content! There are no set limits to carrying capacity within realistic reason, and up to the DM's discretion. If your character comes upon a rack of 20 swords, they will not be allowed to carry all 20 swords with them without any consequence. On the other hand, if your character is a kleptomaniac and steals trinkets wherever they go during the adventure, these small items will more than likely not overencumber your character for gameplay and story brevity.

    Articles under Concerning all things you can shove in a bag


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