Deep Elves Species in Ávra | World Anvil

Deep Elves

Deep elves seem to be a counterpart to their sister race, Sun elves; rather than areas high and bright, they seem adapted to caves and caverns; their shimmer can be rather dim and hard to notice, but this is because it's a dim gray. Deep elves are notably hardy, able to withstand shocking blows and, rarely, survive normally mortal wounds.

  Subspecies Attributes

Deep Constitution

Deep Elves have a remarkable hardiness to them, making them alarmingly hard to kill with even the mightiest of blows.
  • When you take damage that would drop you to zero health, roll three d10; if the total is at least 27, you instead drop to one health, and you cannot be reduced below this until the end of the current turn order.


You have 50 foot darkvision. (Passive)
A Deep Elf stalks his prey


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