Dragonfolk Species in Ávra | World Anvil


Long before The People roamed The Greenlands, Dragons ruled alongside the Dinosaurs. While the precursors to the Saurian ruled the lands, Dragons (and their lesser brethren, the Wyvern) ruled the skies and Mountains. Both Scaleborn species eventually evolved into a smaller more sentient version of their once feral forms over thousands of millennia, eventually taking up in small villages. With the arrival of The People, they began to share The Greenlands and eventually intermingle with the other species. Most Dragonfolk are of mixed Scale and Human blood, although there are a few other hybrids wandering The World, human blood does seem to be the most compatible. It is extremely rare to meet a pureblooded Dragonfolk, and the few that do exist can trace their lineage back to The Great Migration.   Dragonfolk, like most Scalelings, are seen as noble and trustworthy folk. Most armies employ Dragonfolk in their ranks due to their natural battle prowess and power. Their ability to fly has also lent them easy work as couriers and messengers. It is not a rare sight to see hundreds if not thousands of Dragonfolk flying between towns and cities, especially closer to capital cities. Dragonfolk have a natural affinity for storytelling as well. Many of The Worlds famous acting troupes are made up of a large percentage of Dragonfolk. Their booming voices and natural flair for the dramatic is known far and wide.   There are rumors that there exist tribes of un-evolved Dragonfolk, those who would still walk on their wings and live feral non humanoid lives. These feral dragons as they're known are still able to breathe large swathes of fire, where as Dragonfolk can only spray smaller peppershots of flames.   While most Dragonfolk range from the 5 to 8 foot range in height, Feral Dragons are extremely large as their ancient ancestors, some as tall as 30-40 feet from snout to tail. Dragonfolk come in many shapes and sizes as well, with differing wing and tail structures, facial structures and some even lacking scales all together and only having the bone structure and wings of a Dragonfolk.       § Hearty Stock: The Dragonfolk uses his natural physicality to effect the battle □ The Dragonfolk puts his extra weight behind his attack, +1 to all melee attack rolls □ The Dragonfolk braces himself and takes the hit to his hardened scaly hide, +1 to defense rolls   § Flight: The Dragonfolk spreads their wings and takes to the sky. Is able to travel great distances quickly. □ Out of Battle: Roll for travel speed (1-3, 3 turns to travel distance, 4-6, 1 turn to travel distance)   □ When used in battle, the dragon is quicker and more agile, but without stability on the ground their attacks do not land as hard, all movement aligned rolls add +1 to your roll, and -3 to your attack rolls except ranged attacks.   Fire shot: The Dragonfolk peppers the area in front of him with searing hot flame bursts, Damage roll 2d6, one for damage +2 and the other for burn effect (1-3, no burn, 3-4 burn).


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