
Dunnywild is a relatively new country, as far as Ávra is concerned. Although it is new in age, it is far more advanced in technology than other countries, due mostly to their policy of religious acceptance, but lack of a state religion; Dunnywild has not been held back in progress like other countries by any dogmatic adherence to ancient texts.   Because of this, the Dunnywilders as a whole are more forward thinking and constantly looking to the future. This is traced back to their founding, when they seceded from The Rivals Monarchy, during the Serpents Culling. Originally a state within the Monarchy, they were granted a certain level of high autonomy among the rest of the states, due in part to their distance from the capital and their small physical connection to the capital as well. They were always less dependent or strictly adherent to the Cult of the Twin Gods, and seeing the cruelty of the Culling, they formed an autonomous government before laying out concrete letters of secession.   During what would be called "The War of Dunnywild Aggression" in the Monarchy or simply "The Civil War" among the Dunnywilders, they would take in millions of refugee Serpentkin fleeing the slaughter of the culling in the Monarchy. Once the Monarchy proclaimed the end of the The Serpent's Culling, they also proclaimed peace towards Dunnywild, officially recognizing them as a sovereign nation of their own. Dunnywild in turn gave back control of Deepforge Bay, as a peace offering to the Monarchy, giving them a forward post near their borders. This led to an informal neutral zone between the countries stretching across the isthmus that connects them and into the straight that separates them. Since the end of the Culling, Dunnywild and the Monarchy have kept a tenuous peace of mutual understanding.   Dunnywild is a land rich with ores and other natural resources and as such is one of the major players in the global goods economy. This is compounded with their technological trade. Although they are very secretive about their technological supremacy, they also understand that no matter how hard they try, some tech eventually will leak across their borders. As such, many basic tech advancements have been intentionally traded to appease this hunger across the world, while the true deep advances are kept as secrets of the state.   The closer to Dunnywild one travels, the more constructs one will find roaming and working the lands or shops. It is also not unknown to see airships departing Dunnywild to more distant lands for trade, and most capital cities in Ávra have at least one airship port due to this. Dunnywild is also the only country in Ávra to fully harness electricity. Through the use of steam and water, Dunnywild produces enough electricity to power its major cities. They posess automated vehicles as well in the form of Transistors; a form of mass transit built upon massive rail lines. Dunnywild also harnesses Aura for its technology, especially Aura syphoned from the Reliquary.   To those visiting the first time, Dunnywild is a sight to behold. Because of their great advancement, many people of the World aspire to eventually migrate to Dunnywild to find a better life for themselves. This has led to an influx of immigration to the country, which has always prided itself on taking in any who seek asylum. This policy, though, has eventually led to overcrowding in major cities and a deep divide in the classes. While the country as a whole does not revel in its class system, and has many programs to lift those in poverty into better living conditions, the reality is that some of the poorest of the poor in the World live in Dunnywild.   The great cities hold some of the most deplorable slums, areas where crime and villainy run rampant. Entangled with their technological advancement, Dunnywild criminals are not to be taken lightly. It is not uncommon to find Goblins hording in these slums, as they offer them an opportunity to make hoards of wealth while plying their natural talents with tinkering. Much of the aforementioned 'leaks' of Dunnywild Tech come from these slums, as many run black markets for other countries to purchase technology otherwise unavailable to them.   Although Dunnywild is dependent on its technology, they are also practitioners of Magic. Many great schools of magic reside in Dunnywild, but they mostly teach their magics from the lens of technology, seeing magic as a form of science. Most of the research into Aura done in Ávra is done in Dunnywild. Dunnywild was the first country to discover and utilize a tether to the Firmament, although research into the Firmament is stalled, as the massive amounts of Aura required to even bear witness to it is simply unable to be stored with their current technology. Despite this, many Dunnywild magitechnologists firmly believe in the theory of the Firmament, and spend their lives trying to prove its existence.   It is, in fact, Dunnywild's merging of Magic and Technology that has helped them to progress so rapidly. The ultimate goal of the countries scientists is to fully meld their technology with the magics of Aura, in order to be the worlds largest superpower. The rationale behind this idea of world domination stems from their original reason for seceding in the first place: They view their way as the only way to 'save' the world from itself. The atrocities witnessed in the world they attribute to other countries inability to progress both socially and technologically. As such, the rulers of Dunnywilds' ultimate goal is to eventually progress to a point where they can easily and peaceably assimilate all the other lands and unify the world under their banner of advancement.   Despite Dunnywild breaking free from the Twin Kings and Queen of the Monarchy, Dunnywild still is ruled by a King and Queen. The only difference is in how they ascend to the throne. The King and Queen are both elected officials, elected for a lifetime appointment. They are not formally married in the traditional sense, serving more as colleagues than as wed royals. The terms are more symbolic, a vestige of Dunnywild's original ties to the Monarchy they once served. The King and Queen split matters of business, with the King holding responsibility for all matters of commerce and External State, and the Queen running matters of the internal State. They share a cabinet of officials and statesmen, allowing a full representation of the three baronies within the kingdom.   Once the lives of the King or Queen are ended, or they abdicate their duties due to age, a vote is taken across the lands. During this time Officials, Statesmen and Barons all wishing to vie for the Throne put forth their bids to the Royal Duties. The voting period lasts approximately two years, ensuring all citizens are able to vote across the great land, as well as any displaced citizens living abroad are able to cast and send their votes as well. Once chosen, the new King and/or Queen takes the throne and begins to rule alongside the other Monarch still in power. Due to this process, it is not uncommon for there to be one Monarch much older or younger than the other.   There have been times through the history of Dunnywild that the Monarchs have eventually wed. This has never been looked down upon, as no negative effects were experienced during these times. That being said, the Monarchs first goal at all times is always the progress of the nation, so there is little time for fraternizing among them, hence why it has happened so rarely. Currently Dunnywild shares good ties with The Monarchy of the Twin Kings, as the current Queen of the Monarchy holds a deep belief in reunification of the two nations.   Reunification has been an issue on the plate of many a Dunnywild and Rivals Monarchy citizen over the years. While those in the Monarchy would (likely blindly) follow the reunification if the Queen were to engage it, in Dunnywild the idea of reunification has been repeatedly brought to a vote. Over the past generations, this vote has happened a handful of times, and each time it is struck down overwhelmingly by the populace. The deep scars left by the Culling and the War still hold to this day. Considering the massive population of Serpentkin within Dunnywild, it is not surprising that the idea of reunification is struck down every time.


Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Neighboring Nations

Articles under Dunnywild


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