Elantrian Species in Ávra | World Anvil


Similar to Vathysians, Elantrians are humanoids whose bloodlines have been altered by celestial "taints". Like Vathysians, they gain some altered features, though they tend to modify existing features, rather than replace them: their hair will begin to shine, their skin will be remarkably clear, and their eyes will reflect light, almost glowing; However, these traits only modify existing traits: a race that normally wouldn't have hair wont grow any just for being Elantrian. All Elantrian are "gifted" halos, as well, which can break if they commit to evil acts. They have a lifespan similar to that of their modified race, if a few years longer on average. Records of Elantrian go back as far as Vathysians, and are likely similarly older than recorded history. It is similarly unknown how or when Elantrian lineages began, though many suspect divine origins; ancient scraps indicate many were worshipped in prehistoric cultures, almost as if they were divine themselves.   Elantrian mages are widely regarded for their abilities as healers. Due to their atypical lineage, most Elantrian are able to use magic, often being able to summon a glowing orb; however, unlike the Vathysian's affinity for fire, Elantrians' affinity lies in healing magics. This has caused a great deal of sympathy towards Elantrian in all known cultures, and some Elantrian have taken this ability and their halo as a signal to become wandering doctors.   Elantrian intermixing is the same as whatever race they're modifying; Human-like Elantrian are like humans, for example. Due to this, "Pureblood" isn't used to describe any Elantrian lineages, as it would seem none truly exist.      



Elantrians natural attunement to the Aura in the world allows them to 'see' in the dark by way of focusing on the Aura given off by all things. While not true 'darkvision', the effect is the same none the less. 
  • Passive, 60 ft

Natural Cure

Elantrian can harness healing magic as a natural talent.
  • When healing with any magic, you can reroll any 1's until you get a 2 or higher.
  • You can touch someone to imbue 1d4 healing magic as an action.

Firmament Ball

Elantrian are never without a friendly light. They are able to summon a floating orb of glowing light. While not made of fire, and produces no heat, it effectivly works as a torch.
  • Orb negates Elantrian's Darkvision, but gives all 20ft of illumination


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