Eldritch Vampires

The oldest and most dangerous of all Vampires, it is thought they are the progenitors of the other types. There is not much more dangerous one can encounter than a hungry Eldritch Vampire, save for a Shadow Minstrels .  Eldritch vampires feed on Aura. They will violently syphon off Aura energies from sentient beings, draining them of all life force tied to their Aura in the process. Victims of Eldritch vampires are left lifeless husks, hollowed out physically and spiritually, as their soul is completely devoured in the feeding as well. When this happens, they simply cease to exist, and slowly those who knew them will also lose all memory of their existence, eventually the only sign they even once were, is the rotting husk of a body left behind; which nature will eventually take as well.   To be fed on by an Eldrich Vampire is to be doomed to nonexistence, a fate worse than death. As all beings harbor some form of Aura, Eldritch Vampires can technically feed on any living being. That being said, those with a higher concentration of Aura (such as mages, wizards, witches, paladins, etc.) are heartier meals to them.   The feeding of an Eldritch Vampire is a violent proceeding, involving the latching of their jaws upon the victims head, and forceful syphoning of their Aura. The Eldritch Vampires all have retractable tendrils, when not feeding these tendrils are stored tightly bound to the Vampires neck and behind their ears. When ready to feed, the tendrils detach from their holding and ensare the victim to hold them in feeding range. These tendrils can also menuvre the victim within their grasp to provide better access to the victims softer tissues.   They then extend an internal feeding tendrils from their mouths, which are linked directly to their own internal Aura, and serve as Aura suction devices. These secondary tendrils bore into the victim and produces an Aura suction so great that the very essence of the victim is syphoned out of them, and their physical form withers and dies within minutes. Even the clothing they wear begins to rot and decay, as the miniscule amounts of Aura contained within its fibers is even vacuumed into the Eldritch Vampire's maw along with the victim's. Most kills by an Eldritch Vampire are via the skull, as the Vampire will simply grasp their victim and pull them upwards into range of the secondary tendrils, which can bore through softer tissues such as the eyes, the throat or through the ears.   This great suction of energy is so forceful, that even those within a close proximity can have secondhand Aura loss to the Eldritch Vampire. As such, due in part to their fearsome nature, they show no fear of feeding in a crowded space. Not only do they sow great discord, but they are able to feed secondhand off of multiple victims at once, attaining a massive influx of Aura. Once fully sated, an Eldritch Vampire does not need to feed for long periods of time, some having been recorded going hundreds of years between large feedings.   In contrast to their ability to strike with such ferocious force and notoriety, they are also able to slink back into whatever hiding they were in before their vicious feeding; subsequently, tracking them is difficult, as well as determining their next feed. An Eldritch can walk among men for generations between feedings and only the most stalwart of lineages have dedicated themselves to ridding the world of these cursed beings.
The Eldritch Vampire prepares to feed


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