Elemental Magic

Elemental magicians utilize their tie to Aura to affect the base elements around them. The Elements that have been 'tamed' by this magic are:
  • Air: The very gasses that surround us, from the air we breathe to the toxic fumes spewed by monsters. Any form of miasma or gas is controlled by Aeronauts.
  • Water: Practitioners of water magic can control any form of liquid in existence (and thus, blood magicians are a form of Aquamancer). They can create chaos among the oceans, or rain from the parched skies.
  • Chaos: Known colloquially as Evokers, they are able to wield any element of chaos. Able to rend quakes, call upon destructive tornadoes or even control the blistering powers of fire. If an element is imbued with chaos, it is malleable to the Chaos magicians.
  • Peace: The opposite of chaos magic, they are able to tame inert (ie, peaceful) items to their bidding. Steel, rocks, light itself; items that normally sit inert and silent, suddenly find a voice in the hands of Abjurers.
  • Flora: Flora practitioners have full control over the vegetation in the world. If the sun is what feeds its growth, it is under the spell of the Botanians.
  The elemental practices are not fervently gate kept. Some bleeding of skills does happen, as they all tend to relate to one another in some way. A peace magician may have some skill with flora magics, or a chaos magician can control some waters or air magics.   In the end, since all magic is simply a control of Aura, these schools simply exist to help hone a magician's skill toward smaller, similar areas of a large, interconnected web.


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