Emotion Vampires

These vampires feed on the many different 'energies' given off by sentient creatures. Some can sustain for short periods on the lesser energies given off by animals and other monsters as well. These vampires do not ever 'kill' their victims, as feeding off a victim to complete draining simply drives them mad. They also do not need to come into physical contact with the victims either, able to syphon off the energies from short distances.   Emotion vampires eyes will sheen when they are feeding, similar to an animals eyes in the darkness when exposed to light. They have been known to also ingrain themselves into prominent politics in order to feed second hand off the turmoil caused by proceedings, as well as stoke the discord to their own gain. There is a saying that "At the foot of any great fallen state lays the fully belly of an Emotion Vampire".   Emotion Vampires do not share the same weakness to sunlight their Fluidic cousins do, or their unique internal structure. As such, their bodies are just as susceptible to damage as any non-vampiric version of their species. Emotion Vampires are not considered a 'living death', so their bodies continue to age, but at an extremely decelerated rate, at a ratio of about 10 human years equal to 1 vampiric year.   Emotion Vampires pass on their curse via their ability to syphon energies. This ability extends to Aura, and they are able to syphon off their corrupted Aura and 'infect' another living being with it, which will lead to them developing the Emotion Vampiric Curse over an extended period of time. As the turning process is quite protracted, most Emotion Vampires have chosen to be turned, forming a bond with a Vampiric 'host' who they will serve as a familiar, while the host slowly syphons the corrupted Aura into them. Once the turning is complete, they are free to do as they please, their contract complete.
An emotion Vampire feeds on a crowd


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