Fae Species in Ávra | World Anvil


Fae are from a lineage of humans born of trysts with the Fairy folk. Fairies are the tricksters of the magical world, and they feed on any form of Aura they can syphon off willing (or unwilling) hosts. The easiest way to syphon Aura from a host is via sexual congress, as heightened arousal causes most beings to vent off Pure Aura, and thus they used to mate prolifically with other species. During The Shatter, the original Fairy race was decimated. Their strong ties to Aura caused them to literally burn from the inside out as the Firmament burned, erasing them from existence. The only trace of the Fairy folk left is their offspring, the Fae. The Fae are similar in many ways to their progenitors, but much larger. Where as Fairies were strictly between 2 inches to 6 inches and able to simulate a body of 4-5 feet for purposes of syphoning Aura, Fae can range as far as 10 feet tall depending on the race mixed with Fairy blood. Fae also posses wings, they are delicate and beautifully patterned. Many Fae employ as dancers for those of means and are colloquially referred to as "Glass Dancers" in reference to their wings looking similar to stained glass. Fae 'glass dance' is usually performed in the nude, as a means to enhance their patrons' excitement.   Glass Dancing is, unknown to most, also a way for the Fae to feed. Fae feed on Aura as their forefathers did and took up Glass Dancing as a way to titillate their patrons and feed of the Sexualized Aura energies. Because of this, some poorer Fae take up Glass Dancing and offering their services for free, as it is merely a way to "eat". Unlike the original Fairies, Fae can not feed off of Corrupted Aura without becoming violently ill. If a Fae ingests corrupted Aura, they will emaciate almost immediately and their magical abilities will be crippled until they can convalesce to heal. There is no known reversal for this condition, except time.   Naturally drawn to the wilds, you will find higher concentrations of Fae in small villages and farm towns than you will in larger cities. Fae have a tendency to treat their young like baby birds, and will 'push them from the nest' at an incredibly young age, to forge their own paths. It is not unusual to see Fae children living on their own, working, etc. because of this. The cultural understanding of the Fae is that it is their responsibility to create the child, but not to rear the child; the child is meant to be reared by their interactions with the world at large. During the short period that Fae do care for their young, their parenting style would be best described as "aloof".   Fae, having a natural tie to Aura, are also quite magical. Their natural magical tendency rests in the realm of trickery, as their ancestors did as well. They are well known for being able to 'nudge' the thoughts of the simple minded, cause hallucinations, conjure up annoying spirits, etc. While their magic is not insanely powerful, it is nevertheless useful to the Fae themselves and those who would know how to employ it properly.       • Pixie Sticks: The fae slough a natural coating, which some collect to utilize. This powdery coating can be used to grant short bursts of magic in subjects who ingest it. ○ The Fae can collect enough coating for 1 dose per day. Collecting this vial drops all Fae magic for that day by 1 dice numerator (ie, roll a d6 and get a six, it would drop to a 5). This only effects the day that the Fae harvested its coating. § Any creature who ingests the dose is granted the ability to perform one spell at random. □ Roll 2x d6: 1st determines power type, 2nd determines magic type. There is no 'fail' to this ability. □ Power Level Die: ® 1-3: Magic ability lasts for 2 turns ® 4-6: magic ability lasts for 4 Turns □ Magic type Die: ® 1-3: Passive action magic (healing, defensive, etc.) ® 4-6: Attack action magic (magic missile, fire bolt, etc) □ Total of both die determines power level of spell until it wears off ® Any time you would normally 'roll' for this action, you do not roll and instead automatically utilize the sum of the dice you originally rolled to determine the magical ability (ie, if you were to roll a 2 and a 6, you choose which die applies to power level/magic type and would have a pre-determined 'roll' of 8 during all checks until spell wears off.)   • Flight: The Fae spreads their wings and takes to the sky. Is able to travel great distances quickly. □ Out of Battle: Roll for travel speed (1-3, 3 turns to travel distance, 4-6, 1 turn to travel distance) □ When used in battle, the Fae is quicker and more agile, but without stability on the ground their attacks do not land as hard, all movement aligned rolls add +1 to your roll, and -3 to your attack rolls except ranged attacks. • Clouded Mind: "These are not the Automatons you're looking for." The Fae is able to tap into their own natural tie to Aura and perform simple tricks of the mind on susceptible NPC's or PC's. □ Roll 2xd6. 1st determines success, 2nd determines effectiveness. □ Against NPC: Every turn of the NPC, the DM and Fae will roll a d4, if Fae wins the roll, their influence can continue, if DM wins, influence ceases. □ Against PC: Same as above for NPC, except the PC and the Fae roll against eachother. If influence ceases, the PC then rolls a d20. (1-10: comes out of influence agitated, 11-20 comes out of influence peacefully) • Aura Feeding: The Fae MUST feed on Aura at least once per game session, as this is their only source of nourishment. Fae must be careful to only feed off the pure Aura of their victims, and not any corrupted Aura they may have. This can be completed in many ways, as the story/DM determines, feeding off individuals follows rules below. □ Fae chooses their 'victim' and rolls a d20. Victim rolls a d10 and subtracts from the 20. If this results in a negative number, the Fae will have fed but their magical abilities all drop by 1 dice numerator. If the result is a positive, the Fae will have fed and is now able to utilize Pixie Sticks without any negative impact for that day. (this only counts if the Pixie Sticks ability is used AFTER feeding.) □ If both parties roll a 1, the Fae accidently feeds off any corrupted Aura within the victim, and becomes malnourished. Roll a d4, the result is how many dice numerators you subtract from any magical rolls for the remainder of the game session.
A Fae Glassdancing for patrons


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