
• DESCRIPTION ○ Fell, like all The Old Gods, was around 2 miles tall ○ This image is unknown to The People of The World, as they were only able to perceive the gods as beings of pure light and Aura when viewing them through the Firmament. ○ He carried two large wings of colorful stone on his back, which provided him the ability of flight. ○ His sword was capable of syphoning Aura into its blade and unleashing it during his attacks. ○ He wears a charm around his neck that is tuned to his brothers Peaceful nature, helping to keep Fells Chaos in check. • LORE ○ (Fill in Backstory Here) • AFFILIATIONS ○ GROUPS (Add any GROUP affiliations here) § [Groups Name]/[Affiliation with Group] ○ PEOPLE Brandish/Brother


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