Fluidic Vampires

Fluidic Vampires must drain others of specific bodily fluids in order to retain their eternal lives. These fluids range from blood, semen, tears, sweat and even urine. Usually the more debased the fluid is needed by the vampire, the more 'feral' the vampire type is when starving. These vampires are able to hide their true cursed form when fully fed, but all will become feral and unable to hide this form if starved long enough. Most Fluidic Vampires live in relative harmony with their fellow men, preferring to sate their lusts on animals or lesser beasts, and attempt to live normal lives. As such, there is a rising voice to give rights to those that wish not to harm their fellow man, and allow them to live lives without fear of being hunted. Many debates have risen on how to properly track and monitor those that wish to live normal lives, vs those that debase themselves into their curse full heartedly. Similar talks have risen regarding the rights of Werefolk, and some more progressive towns and cities even have what are colloquially called "Midnight Clubs ", where Werefolk and Vampires can sate their curse in a properly monitored and safe environment, so as not to harm those around them.    Fluidic Vampires are cursed to an eternity to darkness, as the sun will quite literally boil their flesh. When a Fluidic Vampire is exposed to sunlight, the water in their bodies begins to boil from the outside in. Eventually if left exposed, all that is left is a steaming husk of overcooked flesh. While Fluidic Vampires have dulled their senses of pain after generations of living death, exposure to sun is still able to cause them great duress.   Despite old wives tales, stabbing a Fluidic Vampire in the heart will not kill it. As they are in essence living corpses, their internal organs no longer exist. In fact, upon turning, their internal organs liquify and the resulting substance will then coat the internal structure of the Vampire and harden. This internal carapace acts as a sort of natural armor, explaining how vampires are so notoriously hardy . As they no longer have internal organs, nourishment from feeding occurs through absorption on a cellular level.
Painting of a Vampire


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