Gnomes Species in Ávra | World Anvil


Gnomeo and Juliet are why the Old Gods are dead   Gnomes are tiny folk who normally live in more rural areas. Most Gnomes are on average two to three feet tall. They have thick and bulbous facial features and bucked rodent adjacent teeth. Their ears are quite large for their size. Despite their size they are slightly broad shouldered for their height. Their size is a danger to them in more urban areas, as they are easily lost in crowds or trampled accidentally by the larger races. That being said, there are some pocket "Gnome Towns" within larger cities.   Overall, gnomes are a lackadaisical species, to both their detriment and benefit. Their laid back lifestyles allows them to spend time honing crafts that fulfill them. Because of this many works of art and prose are Gnomish in origin. Unfortunately, their nature also leads them to being almost worthless at agriculture and other important work needed to sustain a community. Because of this, gnomes live in mostly what most other races would call squalor. They also tend to provide for themselves via trade of their crafts versus actual production of their own supplies.   Despite all of this, gnomes take personal grooming very serious and are themselves not filthy. Their dedication to crafts of personal fulfilment means there is always someone to trade in their villages for fineries such as jewelry and clothing. Gnomes take great pride in presenting themselves as neatly as possible and have a tendency to call attention to themselves seeking approval of others around them. This has also led to a fierce competitive streak in Gnomes when dealing with other Gnomes. Gnomes will seek to outdo others in neatness and opulence of appearance, as such Gnomish fashion is considered strange to many other species.   Gnomes can mate with other species, but carefully. Gnome/Goblin hybrids are common sights in cities, due in part to the ease of mating between the two species and the Goblins natural affinity for urban areas.         • Fucking Gross: Gnomes have resistance to disease
§ Poisons, Disease or Pox of any kind do not effect gnomes

• World Speaker: Gnomes can handle new languages with skill and grace, almost as if they already knew all of them.
§ When conversing with someone who speaks another language, Roll d12
□ 1-6: Gnome will have a barely working knowledge of the language
□ 7-12: Gnome is a master of the language, conversing with ease

• Savvy Trader: Due to Gnomes trade based lifestyle, they have an almost unnatural ability to sway most business deals to their benefit.
When rolling for any action related to trade or negotiation, Roll a d20
§ 1: The Gnome is an embarrassment to his entire species and family line, a complete failure and should feel bad. He is awful and he should feel bad for bungling something so inherent in his very being. He also has bad hair and dresses like a lowlife beggar. The person the Gnome is negotiating with MUST insult the Gnome, causing him to lose the negotiations and feel bad until the next day.
□ Player MUST play the Gnome as depressive until the next in game day
§ 2-13: the trade will be successful, but no extra benefit will apply
§ 14-19: the trade will be successful, other negotiator will throw in an object to 'sweeten the pot' to the Gnomes gain. Item is chosen by DM/PC depending on who the Gnome is negotiating with.
20: The trade will be successful and gnome will double any money negotiated, as well as gain a 'pot sweetener' item of DM/PC choice depending on who the Gnome is negotiating with.


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