Goblins Species in Ávra | World Anvil


3:01 PM Goblins are a wily and savvy race with a natural affinity for machine crafting. It is unknown how a species can have a natural evolutionary affinity for a craft created millions of years after the first Goblins were born; none the less, they do.   Goblins are mostly seen in urban areas, as they tend to feel more comfortable in crowded streets than they do in nature. Most Goblins found in more rural areas are feral, and can be quite dangerous. Akin to Gnomes, Goblins can mate with other species, but due to their size, hybridization with most species is rare.   The biology of Goblins is unique, and many of their more 'off-putting' features actually have evolutionary advantages. Their long pointed ears are articulated, giving Goblins excellent hearing ability. Their large bulbous eyes take in more visible light as well as radiant energy, giving Goblins a crude form of 'heat vison'. They can be quite vicious when needed, utilizing their sharp teeth and claws offensively. They are also quite agile, with spindly yet muscular legs and arms that allow them to navigate obstacles with alarming agility.       • Techmeister: Goblins have a knack for technology, and as such are able to tinker and create fantastic machines within minutes. ○ Roll 2d6: 1d6 to determine if passed, the other to determine effect: § 1-3: Goblin finds some scraps on the ground and creates a small weapon, able to cut and stab, Single Use, +1 to attack § 4-6: Goblin finds a few trinkets on the ground and is able to craft a small explosive, he tosses it after he attacks, Single Use, +3 to attack • Smoll Boi: The goblins diminutive size allows them to escape most grips ○ Roll 2d6: 1d6 determines if passed, the other to determine effect: § 1-3: The goblin is able to slip from the grasp, but loses his pack in the process § 4-6: The goblin slips clean free • The Thinker: Goblins incredible intellect gives them keen insight into any mechanical based puzzles, able to 'see beneath the curtain' of the mechanics and reverse engineer the impasse. ○ Roll 2d6: 1d6 determine if passed, the other determines effect: § 1-3: The Goblin is able to see a small imperfection in the mechanical impasse, and gets a hint known ONLY to Goblins in the party, as the mechanics involved would confuse any other folk. § 4-6: The Goblin is able to completely deduce how the mechanical impasse works, and is able to deactivate it in a way that ONLY the goblin can pass. Others in the party must still figure out the mechanical impasse in order to move past it, but the Goblin is able to give ONE hint given by the DM. • Fucking gross ○ You look disgusting. Take a shower. It won't help, but at least you won't smell as bad as you look. Goblins are naturally off-putting to other species, inspiring mild revulsion to their very presence. To act or verbalize this instinct is considered racist to most people and is rarely spoken of out loud.


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