Her Majesty the Chosen Queen Primabella Dimura Silvergrove XVII

The current Queen of the Rivals Monarchy, ruling with her Twin husbands Folsted and Fortuna. She is awaiting conception of her Twin Princes, in order to begin her pilgrimage to find her successor. She hails from the town of Silvergrove, where her family still resides. During her youth, she would travel and spend summers in Silvergrove, as the Queen before her was more caring her rules regarding Primabella's rearing. As such, she was never forced to call the then Queen "mother" and was allowed to still contact and be part of her original family. She wishes to continue the princesses rearing in this tradition, and hopes that it becomes the normal way of things within the Monarchy.   Originally known as Dimura Brickenden, she was born the daughter of a locally well known bowyer. Silvergrove was well known in The Monarchy for its various smiths and artisans, due in part to its location next to mineral and metal rich mountains, thick Ironwood forests and clean sparkling rivers.   She grew up relatively care free, never expected to help in her father's bowery, unaware of her true purpose. Dimura was born simply to be offered to the Queen when she began her tour for her successor. The honor of having your child chosen by the queen was unparalleled and would bring extreme honor and prestige to her families already well known bowery.   She was well liked by her peers, as she displayed an adventurous spirit that inspired the girls in the village and allowed her to fit in with the boys. She took a particular fondness to one of the Vathysian children, known to her as Wax. When the children of the village would play, she would gravitate to him. As they grew, her enamor with him would only grow, but from afar.   The boy was a natural with metalworking and as such spent most of his time as he grew in his family's smith. Dimura would spend hours watching him work, feeling the great heat emanating from the walls. She could only get so close to the building, as the Vathysian was able to smith at temperatures far exceeding those a human could withstand but for short periods of time. She found herself lucky, in that from her room she could see the working shop and was able to watch her unprofessed love working whenever her heart desired. Her attraction grew, as unknown to her, her time with the village was nearing its end.   While the Queen had begun her tour the day the Twin Princes were born, it was not until 15 years into her tour that she eventually made her landing into Silvergrove. She had toured many cities and towns within the Monarchy, but none of the children presented to her were worthy of the metric to be Queen. As the years wore on, the children presented grew older, and the pressure to choose mounted upon her by the people.   When the village crier announced the eminent arrival of the Queen, Dimura noticed a marked change in her families relationship with her. The weeks leading up to the Royal procession were filled with preparations not of the shop, but of her. Suddenly the families savings were spent on fineries to dress her, perfume her, change her. Her childhood as a tomboy with a crush on the boy across the street were over, and her life as Princess was taking seed.   The Queens arrival into Silvergrove was met with celebration. The Queens entourage took up in the town's square, erecting a large tent and procession line. One by one, villagers presented their daughters to her, offering up praises of their deeds, qualities and skills. Finally it was Dimura's turn, and with a final glance at her star crossed love she walked the procession. Had she known she would be chosen, and taken so quickly, she would have finally stolen a moment of her time to speak to him. The regret that she never confessed her feelings haunted the rest of her childhood.   The next few days were a whirlwind to her. All she could remember was the Queen asking her if she longed for the fineries in life, and her answering "I've all the fineries here I need." Whatever it was the Queen was looking for in a daughter, she had found in Dimura. Quickly she was whisked to Brothers' Landing, taken to the great auditorium and ascended to Princess. She was given the royal name of Primabella and her town, her true home, as a surname to forever remind her of what she had lost.   Primabella, nee Dimura, was in some form of luck though. The current Queen was no fool and had plans of her own for the girl. As such, the Queen took pity on Primabella and allowed her summers in Silvergrove, under the watchful eyes of her own entourage. While she was grateful to still have this time with her family, her once carefree position in the village was no more. Her visits were bittersweet, as she no longer was able to partake in the revelries of her peers. What hurt most of all, though, as a Princess of 15 she was already wed to the Twin Kings. Because of this she was forbade from engaging in romance with any others in the Kingdom.   During her visits, she would sit in her childhood spot, and watch the boy across the street. It was harder to see him, as royal guards now flanked her family's shop during the night, their banners obscuring the view. But, she could still catch glimpses of the one she truly longed for as he worked in the brightly burning fires of his forge or, more recently, spells; her window ajar and able to feel the warmth even from across the street in her room, the light of his fire streaking her eyes.   A decade on, the visits to her family waned, as she took on the responsibilities of the Princess of the Monarchy, Queen in waiting. Having Ascended the throne at 17 as the Queen suddenly passed a few years after her becoming princess, along with the Twin Kings. She was suddenly a Child Queen, but more alarming to her, expected to now conceive the next generation of twins with the Kings. After the passing of these 10 years, she is still yet to conceive twins, and for all intents runs her Kingdom as her husbands are of no use politically.   There are many secrets of the Monarchy kept from the people, chief among them is the ineptitude of the lineage of the Twin Kings. She rules the kingdom fairly and with great respect. She also actively works to repair the image of the Monarchy, enacting reparations to the Serpentkin, actively inviting them back into the kingdom and opening talks with Dunnywild to potentially join into a partnership of statehood.   As for the Kings, she takes to them, bedding with them at their request, despite her clear disdain for them. She has begun to suspect the true reason she was chosen by the Old Queen is that she is barren, and thus will end the bloodline.   Through it all, though, she has found solace in one place. A small room atop the tower above the Royal Library. Just tall enough, that on a clear dark night, she can see a small speck of bright light in the distance. A light where a man is smithing, the great heat and fires of the forge glowing so hot, that even hundreds of miles away, a longing Queen can still watch and yearn. She has taken to choosing a book from the library and reading it in the keep, the memory of the warmth now only seen in the distance keeping her company as she reads. She may no longer remember his name, but she longs for a day when she can return and finally have the courage to tell him what she couldn't all those years ago.
Current Location
Date of Birth
Current Residence
Queen's Keep, Brother's Landing
Long red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
165 lb.


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