His Majesty, King Folsted Barrelnau Deucius Brandish XVII

King Folsted is technically the younger brother, having been born a full 2 minutes after his brother, a fact his brother has never let him forget.   Folsted was also the weaker of the twins, his body twisted and crippled. Despite his look, he is an articulate and intelligent man. He is also devoted to his wife, the Queen Primabella. The people who reside in his keep are overall happy and taken care of by him as their ruler.   He is, in essence, the exact opposite of his brother. The two men do not socialize, as Fortuna's cruel demeanor disgusts Folsted. The only time the Twin Kings are seen together is during proclamations in Twins Landing.   The brothers disdain for each other is partly responsible for their inability to conceive with the Queen. The only way the Church of the Twin Gods accepts the ability to birth the next Twin Kings is via concurrent copulation, requiring both brothers to be present in the Landing, which almost never happens.   Like his brother, and all the twin kings before him, he was magically bonded to Guardian Dog, both of whom are also twins. The dog is enchanted to age at the same rate as the King, in order for it to be the Kings lifelong companions.   Folsteds hound, Jacosta, is a gentle beast. She is well known among the residents of the keep, and wanders the grounds freely. Even when not near Folsted, she is still also enchanted to be linked to Folsted's thoughts, and as such is always monitoring him for his safety. He is also able to issue commands to her wordlessly simply by thinking them.   His brother possesses Jacosta's twin, and possesses the same level of control and connection to his hound as Folsted does to Jacosta.   An interesting fact about the brothers is their eyes. Both brothers possess a permanently dilated eye. Folsted in his Right eye, Fortuna his left. This affliction has been seen in Twin Kings over the ages, and is considered a familial trait.   He carries the Staff of Brandish and the Crown of Fell, familial heirlooms with the story of the Twin Gods etched upon them.


Fow-l-st-ed Bare-ul-now Des-ee-us B-ran-dish
Neutral Good
Current Location
Date of Birth
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5'9" (Hunched, 5'2")
295 lb.


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