Naga Species in Ávra | World Anvil


These snake folk share an ancestor with the Serpentkin. At some point in pre-history, the Naga and Serpentkin split and evolved in two distinct fashions. Naga retain a complete lower snake body, slithering around The World, while having evolved more human like features on their upper bodies. Most Naga are born with no arms, or vestigial appendages at best. As such, Naga tails are extremely dexterous, to act as appendages for them. In recent times, many Naga opt to utilize artificial appendages. These appendages range from simple lever powered to magic or technologically powered artificial limbs just as dexterous as a natural one. Because of their snake like bodies and lack of arms, it is believed that the Serpentkin are a branch of the Naga that evolved past them, as opposed to the other way around.   Naga procreation is similar to Frogkind, in that they lay eggs, yet the Naga form tight familial bonds and only procreate with a single chosen mate. The Naga are able to procreate with other species, as the female keeps her eggs in a broodsack until fertilization, accessible via a slit in her body, which can be accessed by other species. As such, there are Naga hybrids with traits from other species, but these are rarer than other hybrid folk.   The Naga are a fast and lithe folk, able to trek large swathes of land without tiring, due to their nature of locomotion utilizing less energy than traditional bipedal walking. The Naga show their affection by intertwining with each other and those they care for. This is alarming at first to those who are not snake folk, as the animal equivalent of this is to strangle their prey before ingestion. The Naga do not eat prey in this manner, so these preconceptions can be seen as a racist trope among the Naga, but one they tend to overlook as they understand where these conceptions come from. Those that do allow their Naga friends and lovers to embrace them in this way find it to be quite a pleasant and bonding experience, feeling almost weightless as they're cradled and cocooned by the great serpentine embrace of their Naga partner.   While having fangs, the Naga do not possess poison. Most Naga have their fangs surgically removed at birth, as they only serve to get in the way of eating/drinking/etc. and are seen as vestigial growths. The Naga do not usually wear clothing on their lower bodies, although some to adorn themselves with simple drapes and adornments in this area. The Naga are prolific tattoo artists, and most Naga are living paintings, proudly displaying the art adorning their bodies. Naga are also quite adept at the arts, and many of the most famous artists in The World are of Naga descent. Ancient Naga artifacts and art are highly sought after works by many people of wealth in The World.   It is not fully known when the Serpentkin and the Naga made contact with The People of The Greenlands, but it is know that during The Great Migration, The Naga originally were against leaving their former home, now called The Shatterlands. Due to this there are many pockets of high Naga concentration in The Shatterlands.       § Slither: The Naga's keen battlefield perception and dexterity allow them to slither behind those attacking his party and counterattack them. □ Naga does +3 damage to any enemy who has successfully landed a counterattack on someone in the Nagas party. □ Naga is vulnerable during their attack and can be easily attacked from behind as well. § Tail whip: The Naga whips his massive lower body in an arc, hitting all in its path. □ Roll for attack ® Roll 1-3 ◊ Any enemies not currently engaged with the Naga take +2 damage, Any enemies engaged with the Naga dodge and take no damage, Party unaware of attack and all party members take +1 damage ® Roll 4-6 ◊ Any enemies not currently engaged with the Naga take +2 damage, Any enemies engaged with the Naga take +1 damage, party ducks and takes no damage § Stalk: The Naga is able to silently slither around enemies unnoticed until taking an action □ During the day: Roll for stealth, must roll 6 to move unnoticed. Must roll for EVERY movement made within a DM Defined area. □ At night: Roll for stealth ® 1-2 The Naga fails and makes noise alerting enemies to an intruder, but not their location ® 2-4 The Naga makes his initial stealth move but must roll again for next movement 5-6 Naga is now stealth for all movement in the DM defined area until making a non movement based action.


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