Orcs Species in Ávra | World Anvil


Orcs are a mysterious species in The World. They are a nomadic race, with very few permanent settlements. Orcs skin ranges from bright hues of green to dark merlot reds and burnt umber oranges. Their protruding lower canine teeth are one of the most distinguishing features of Orcs; otherwise, their features are similar to brutish humans, with wide jaws and noses, smaller eyes and lightly pointed ears. They range in size, though most top out at 6 feet. A few Orcs have been sighted of greater height, but this is not the norm. Orcs tend to have natural lifespans about the same length as a human, but many die earlier. Most male orcs tend to only have four fingers, as a right of passage in most caravans is to remove ones own pinky, as its size among the rest of the fingers is seen as removing weakness and becoming an adult. Females, on the other hand, have a similar ritual where they heavily pierce their bodies, as a symbol of beauty and their ability to withstand pain, which in turn represents their ability to mate and have multiple litters, in order to attract a mate. Orcs reproduce via litters, and most litters consist of 3-6 children. The female will grow quite swollen with children, and as such, there are special carts in most Orc caravans dedicated to pregnant members of the Caravan. It is lined with the finest linens and pillows to care for their pregnant mates. Orcs are surprisingly tender, despite their outward demeanor, and many are passionate poets. Orc poems and songs are renown for their beauty and emotional depth.   Orc Clans are called Caravans and the leaders of the Caravans are the Matriarchs and Patriarchs of the Caravan. These leaders are a quorum of the eldest members of the Caravan, no longer able to produce children or realistically hunt and protect the caravan via battle. Orcs revere these leaders as one would a great warrior, as their contribution of leadership and knowledge to their clan is seen as important as a warrior's skill with a sword or bow.   Orcs have a habit of seeing a persons weight as a sign of their wealth. The idea is that the ability to put down permanent roots and eat enough to grow large means you no longer have to fight for your food, or protect your clan. This dream of permanent roots is seen as a sign of wealth, and thus, the larger someone is, the more wealthy they are perceived to be by Orcs. Because these Caravans have no internal wealth generation, they perform odd jobs and hire themselves out as soldiers of fortune to make ends meet for their Clan before moving on to the next settlement. Many cities have reserved areas for Orc Caravans to settle for a time, while they offer services to the city and its leaders. Because of their nomadic lifestyle and their propensity to work as mercenaries, Orc males are naturally perceived as brutal and violent to some outsiders, despite Orcs naturally tender and gentle nature.         • Bite: An orc can take advantage of their tusks and bite while fighting. ○ Roll to bite § 1-3 the orc bites into the armored part of the enemy, causing 1 damage § 4-6 the orc bites the flesh, puncturing and causing bleeding. 2 damage and bleeding (1 damage per turn) • War cry: The orc burst into a warrior's song. ○ Orc and party buff +1 to all attack Dice Rolls until the orc takes damage. ○ All sentient enemies begin to target the orc for attacks. • Brute strength: The orc flexes his muscles and gives it another try. ○ Passive: The orc can reroll any strength check until 2 or higher Active: if utilized, the Orc will roll a d20, if 15-20, the orc can perform another attack action. If 1-14, the orc will lose either their attack or non attack action next turn (orc's choice).


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