Playable Species/Species Rules




Hey there, future character creator! Before you dive into the world of character crafting, make it a habit to swing by this page because Half Breed rules might have some fresh additions or tweaks!   Now, for our Half Breed Species, there's no one-size-fits-all attribute package. Nope, their attributes are as unique as they come, varying with each individual hybrid. (Except for a few like Fae, they're like the species VIPs.) These hybrid characters get the cool ability to embrace traits from both sides of their family tree—up to four traits, player's choice. And hey, this rule sticks, no matter how many bloodlines they're rocking. So, if your character's mom was an Orc/Human and dad was a Gnome/Goblin, they can still only snag 4 traits from the whole mix.   Now, when you're snatching up those traits, think about the big picture. How will it impact your character's appearance, personality, lore, and upbringing? Let's say you're going for Orc/Human vibes. If you lean heavily on Orc traits, your character's probably going to look more Orcish than human. And let's not forget about their upbringing—were they raised in an Orcish Caravan or maybe dealt with some not-so-nice childhood moments among humans?   Always keep that gameplay-stats-to-lore connection in mind! It's the secret sauce for a character that's not just a bunch of numbers on paper but a living, breathing part of the world.    



Half Orc

Meet the Half Orcs—your friendly neighborhood blend of Orcs and, well, someone else (usually humans). Ever wonder how the other half didn't break a hip creating these fantastic hybrids? Well, that's a head-scratcher for the ages.   Now, when it comes to Half Orcs, it's all about the parentage dance. If mom's the Orc, you're looking at more Orcish flair, and if it's pops who's the Orc, well, the Orc vibes might take a bit of a back seat. It's like a genetic seesaw, with Orc features tipping the scales depending on which parent brought them to the party. Quite the balancing act, wouldn't you say?    

Half Elves

Half Elves—half elf, half anything else, and according to one witty barkeep, completely entitled. He must have had his hands full with a group of Half Elven Explorers, observing their antics.   Now, these hybrids are a visual mix, looking like they're right smack in the middle of elf and whatever else they've got in their ancestry. Picture this: thinner than your average species but not as willowy as an elf, a tad taller than your run-of-the-mill individual but not quite reaching elfin heights. Their ears rock that pointed charm, although it's not as in-your-face as the elves' signature look—more like a Vathysian's ear vibe, if you catch my drift.   Now, when it comes to longevity, Half Elves have the upper hand, living a good ten to fifteen years longer than your everyday human. Some folks attribute this extended lifespan to the elven influence, a little gift from the past that survived the Shatter.   Traits? Oh, they're in a sweet spot between their elven and non-elven sides. Think of it as a "muted" version of their elven lineage's features. Sea Half Elves might have slightly shorter webbing, for instance. And that shimmer? It's there, but it's like looking at it through clouded glass—still enchanting but with a subtle, dimmed glow.   Now, the not-so-muted part? The other half's traits shine through loud and clear. And here's a kicker: if an elf has a Half Elf kiddo too early, there's a chance the elf parent might outlive their own child by a few decades. Talk about a heartbreaking twist. This has led to a cultural quirk where many elves steer clear of shorter-lived mates early on. Outliving both your spouse and your kids is seen as a bit of a curse, you see. But hey, there are always exceptions, usually in the name of star-crossed love or the philosophy of loving and losing over never loving at all. Luckily, those who take this path willingly find support and understanding instead of the cold shoulder. Love, after all, knows no predictable lifespan!    

Planar Races

Due to the unnatural influences of the Celestial and Hellish taints, Elantrians and Vathysians do not produce half breeds. Elantrians will keep most of the former race's features, with exceptions:
  • Elves will lose their shimmer.
  • Dwarves will lose part of their extra arm length, and become moderately taller.
  • Races without hair will not gain any.
Vathysians will lose their pre-planar distinct features over two to three generations without frequent reintroduction of said features.  

Half Gnomes

Ah, the wild and whimsical world of Gnomes! So, here's the scoop on the Gnomish tales circulating around. There's this charming quirk about Gnomes – when they get together with other species, the offspring end up with this delightful mishmash of features. It's like a genetic playground of surprises!   Now, if Mom's the Gnome in this enchanting mix, you've got a kiddo who rocks the classic Gnome height but with all the unique traits of the other parent. Imagine the cuteness – a pocket-sized Gnome with the best of both worlds!   Flip the script, and if Dad's the Gnome, you're in for a treat. Picture this: your little one inherits the full charm of Gnomish features but with the regular height of the other parent. It's like having a mini Gnome spreading joy at the perfect eye level!   So, next time you hear someone questioning the proportions of Gnomes, just remember, it's not a tall tale – it's a delightful twist in the genetic tale of these whimsical beings!


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