Putting it all together

You've got the ingredients, now lets get cooking!

Congratulations! By this point you should have a completed character card! If you don't, and are still a bit lost, don't worry! There are plenty of people willing to help you in the discord at any time! Never hesitate to reach out and ask questions when it comes to character creation, or any other subject. An example character card will also be given below in order for you to better understand the things that make up a great character card.   If you're character is complete, and you're ready to head out into the wild lands of Ávra, good luck adventurer, you're going to need it!    

Example Character Card


Name: Waxillium Dachek

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species/Race: Vathysian

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 180 lb.

Birthdate: 02/04



With an ashy, stone gray complexion, two inch horns, and a three foot tail, it's no secret Waxillium is a Vathysian. Further study of his form would reveal his pine colored eyes had no pupil or sclera; they were a sea of green akin to looking at an evergreen forest. His ashy, dark hair is straight, and while short in the front, covered the back of his neck and all but the tips of his ears. He stands at 5'11", and with a weight of about 180 pounds, his form is best described as athletic, if a bit bulky. His hands show signs of work, calloused with use.   His clothes are very ordinary, a simple blue button up tunic and gray trousers held by an ordinary brown leather belt with a prominent silver buckle, all of which lack patches, sewn cuts, or almost any signs of being repaired mundanely. His legs end with a pair of cuffed short dark leather boots, mildly worn. A dark, sleeveless overcoat with two front pockets near the waist shows some light wear, as if used frequently, but well taken care of. The bottom third of the overcoat is cut into strips, sewn at the edges to prevent tearing. The left interior breast holds a small pocket. Along the left side of the belt is a small leather loop, meant for holding his staff, and the right loop holds a small dagger in a leather sheath. He wears no jewelry save for a simple steel chain around his neck with a circular pendant, normally under the tunic, with a slightly domed shape roughly five millimeters thick at the apex and three millimeters near the edge, about two inches in diameter, and etched; the front with the symbol of the Silvergrove Smith's Guild, the flat back etched with a pair of Ws.    


The Dachek family tree is only recently Vathysian, at least for most of Waxillium's heritage. Waxillium Dachek's Great Grandfather was a devil; he had a son with Patricia Deakley. The son, Wayne Deakley, lived a mostly normal life on the Deakley farmhouse, but his mother cared for her son, despite the new features. Patricia's family had roots in a nearby town; her mother was understanding, but her father, a blacksmith named Max, was concerned about his grandson; he knew finding your way in life was never easy. When his grandson was twelve, Max offered to teach Wayne the practice of forging: his natural resistance to heat and fire would be excellent qualities for a place of high temperatures. Wayne took to smithing like a fish to water; his protection against heat let him forge hotter and faster than other smiths, and people would travel from the surrounding towns for his high quality steel.   A wandering party, who had included their own Vathysian wizardess, stopped by one day to see if they could come by some weapons. Most adventurous patrons would set Wayne to work and would then travel around the town, stopping around for sundries, spell materials, or just visit one of the taverns for a pint and room arrangements, but not the wizardess. Lana was charmed by the hard working nature of Wayne, and while she had heard of his work, was intrigued by the process. She stuck with Wayne at the forge, and they exchanged tales about their lives. After a few to several stories from both sides (both had lost count, after all), Lana had to leave, as it was getting late. She wasn't afraid; she just knew she had places to be. The next morning, when the party came around for their gear and had paid their due, Lana asked if he knew about his powers. Wayne was startled, but revealed he never knew of any powers outside of his resistance to fire. After some questions about his heritage, Lana tried to get him to do a few rudimentary spells, before he managed to cast Mage Hand. Lana's party called to her, as they had a time sensitive quest, and she departed, but she knew the party would be back.   Lana's party came to favor Wayne's steel, as it seemed to be more durable than most of what else they came across. After a few years, and several chances with death, Lana decided to retire from adventuring, and came to live in the same town as her now good friend, Wayne. A couple years later, they were wed, and had their own home.   Two and a half years later, a man came frantically to the shop. He was one of the loggers for the nearby forest, and Wayne had seen him when acquiring wood for his various purposes. The man was shaken, saying a pillar of fire appeared from nowhere, and the forest was burning up as the creature wreaked havoc. Since Lana was a Vathysian herself, her resistance to fire would be able to stop the creature.   Lana went out to the woods, with Wayne close behind; he was no warrior, but he'd be damned if something happened to her that he could prevent. Lana quickly snuffed out large portions of the fire with a quick Control Flames, but there was one that was unaffected near the edge of the blaze: A fire elemental, running about like a stray spark. The elemental notices the blaze go out, and stops and starts making noises. A Comprehend Languages ritual later, the fire elemental was shouting for help, looking for a way home. Lana, very crudely pantomimes a portal, stepping through, and the fire elemental starts thanking her. Lana prepares a Banishment, and just before, the elemental blesses her for her kindness, and is back home. A few weeks later, Lana discovers she is with child.   Wayne and Lana's daughter Marisae was always shadowing one of her parents; whether it be in the forge by her father or in her home by her mother, she was enraptured by both of them. At a young age, she began to copy her father's Mage Hand; she would help bring her father tools or her mother small objects. It was rare for her mother to use spells in everyday life, but when the small family went camping one night, Lana had used Control Flames to make the fire dance with shapes. Marisae was delighted, and began copying her mother's actions, and suddenly the fire danced with even more shapes; shapes Lana wasn't making. Lana stopped suddenly, and Marisae, startled, had stopped too. Marisae was a sorceress. Lana had hoped her daughter would follow her mother's magical footsteps, and set herself to training her daughter.   Marisae grew up learning magic from her mother, and as a teenager, would often use her magic to help the townsfolk with simple quests. Marisae never set out on adventures like her mother, but instead used what she could to do help the people around her. As a young adult, she found herself helping one young man often; Dirk Dachek, the son of an alchemist who recently moved into town. Charmed by each other, they too became fell in love, just as Lana and Wayne had before them.   Dirk's father, Dane, would often come to Wayne for tools or parts, and Wayne rarely had trouble forging most of them. A life of forging had made him a master of his craft, and it showed in his work. When Dirk and Marisae had their own son, Wayne knew he would teach his young grandson Waxillium to forge, just as Wayne's grandfather taught him.   Waxillium grew up surrounded by changing the world into something else, whether it was his grandfather's manipulation of metal, his grandmother's book of spells, his mother's innate magical talent, or his other grandfather's mystical potions. Wayne had many paths he could take, but Wayne's offer of learning to smith was the first he would travel.   Wax was as quick to learn as his grandfather. Before long, he was making simple, yet effective blades and plates. However, on his fifteenth birthday, his mother and grandmother also told him of his doubly magical bloodline as both a Vathysian and as a Sorcerer. Wayne was concerned he would leave the forge to pursue the arcane arts, but Waxillium had a fondness for shaping steel. He vowed to learn both.   For the next three years, Waxillium shaped steel with his grandfather and wrought the elements to his will. He found that fire was a good way to combine both, and that his fire spells were typically a little more impactful than his grandmother's. It was rare that the random adventurer parties that came by the forge had sorcerers, but as luck would have it, one did come by. He showed Waxillium a couple spells in exchange for some daggers and a metal quarterstaff, both of which Waxillium himself had forged. While not as flawless as Wayne's work, they were similar to Wayne's early work, which was no poor craftsmanship.   By the time Waxillium was twenty, he was already casting his favored Chromatic Orb. Wax, like his mother, started helping the town with small quests; killing random hostile creatures that wandered into the logging area of the woods was the usual task. Dane had tried to teach Waxillium about Artificing and Alchemy in the years, and Wax picked up a couple things about putting objects together and coming to identify whatever Dane had asked for when an order came in.   However, most of Wax's work was in the Silvergrove Smith's Guild. Wayne was the Guildmaster, but he often spent time in the foundry working; Wax took the public face of the guild, quickly becoming an efficient leader and spent much time working around the guild as a planner and director. Despite being largely favored both by the guild's members and frequent customers, he spent very little time actually forging at the guild; between resolving disputes, ensuring production, and managing logistics, most of his time spent at the guild was ensuring operations. He'd spend his hours practicing his forging at his home after the guild was closed to the public.   When Wax was twenty two, he started what would be known more modernly as metallurgy. He was increasingly aware that Rival's Steel was becoming less of a premiere product as it continued to be produced, and started looking into new alloying projects to try and find something new. His experiments largely keep coming up short; they were fine metals, but not the kind of breakthrough discovery needed to ensure the Guild's prominence for the future. Over the next couple years, he had realized he had tapped most of what was available to him at his location, and began adventuring for new discoveries.    



Silvergrove Smith's Guild


Wayne Deakley: Grandfather, Smithing tutor
Lana Deakley: Grandmother, Magic tutor
Dane Dachek: Grandfather, Alchemy tutor
Gonoroth Fa-Regis: Silvergrove mayor, frequent patron
Garganax the Firm: Shatter's Deep smith, guildmember


Waxillium's Quarterstaff: His staff.


  • Born in Flames: Vathysians laugh in the face of fire, as the flames barely tickle them.
    Passive Resistance to Fire
  • Darkvision: Vathysians are not hindered by the absence of light, as most species are.
    Passive, 60 feet
  • Flame Mastery: Vathysians have a natural affinity for the flames, and as such can harness their power with more skill than other races.
    When attacking with any fire based attack, you can reroll any 1's until you get a 2 or higher.
  • You can willingly produce a minor amount of fire to light a small flame, suitable for candles, campfires, stoves, or similar; this can also be used as pure heat to lightly heat objects, such as a mug of water or a ration of food. This can be used to attack barehanded with fire magic, for 1d4 damage.


  • Pilot: An excessively basic spell, Wax projects a small jet of flame from a finger or a mildly larger one englobed in his palm or around his fist. If Wax is feeling particularly fancy, he'll change the color.
    Roll a d10, must achieve 5 or higher, does 1 damage to target
  • Fire Bolt: An exceptionally ordinary spell, Wax points the end of his staff at a target and a small point of fire streaks out. Useful for starting a fire, as well.
    Roll a d10, must achieve 5 or higher, does 2 damage to target


  • A collection of Alchemist's Fire.
  • Waxillium's Quarterstaff
  • A short, mundane silver bevor dagger
  • A mundane Rival's Steel ring on each hand and a mundane Rival's Steel bracelet on each wrist. Each boot has a Rival's Steel ring about the ankle.
  • A network of various magical pouches across Wax's body to store items. They do not increase in size as items are placed into them, but they retain their normal limit.
  • 5 units of mixed dried meats, 4 units dried fruits, 6 units of roasted silver nuts, and 3 units Silverbark for food; A full 10 unit canteen of potable water, and a small 2 unit wineskin of Seductress.
  • Wax's Eager Pouch and Tenacious Pouch, for metal shards.
  • Clothing
  • A copy of The Compendium
  • The equivalent of 20,000 Lumin, across various pouches

“Cooking is like painting or writing a song. Just as there are only so many notes or colors, there are only so many flavors—it’s how you combine them that sets you apart.”~ Wolfgang Puck


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