Saurians Species in Ávra | World Anvil


Saurians descend from the rulers of The World's lands from a time before the arrival of The People to the ancient Greenlands. As with their skyborne brethren, the Dragons, they too slowly evolved into a sentient race of nomadic folk. The Saurian purebloods were the first to interact with The People upon their arrival into The Greenlands. They eventually were also the ones who invited their bretheren, the Dragonfolk, to meet and eventually mingle with The People as well. Overall, Saurians are a peaceful and lumbering folk. They are also very superstitious and religiously oriented, many of them take up a life within the churches of their lands. Due to their immense size and sturdiness, they don't fear conflict with most people. Their ability to withstand most attacks unharmed, they tend to be very trusting, due mainly to the fact that those who would break their trust with violence would not get very far in causing them harm. Due to this, their trusting nature does tend to border on cockiness.   There are two distinct tribes of Saurians: those who descended from the herbivores, and those from the carnivores. In modern times, all Saurians are omnivorous; this split in evolution only truly affects their appearance. Most Saurians are of pureblood, due to the fact that mating with them is physically dangerous for most smaller species. It has been determined, though, that they are compatible with most species; as such, there are some mixed blood Saurians roaming The World, but they are few and far between and seen as a curiosity more than anything. It has been proposed that Lizardkin are the result of these pairings and should be considered Half Saurians, instead of their own distinct species.   The World is also unfortunately not built for Saurians, as many of them top out at around 10 feet or more. This has lead to some legislation being presented in countries to restructure to be more inclusive of other species in The World, and alter building codes to be more friendly to those with more extreme physiques among The People, such as Saurians.         § Hearty Stock: The Dragonfolk uses his natural physicality to effect the battle □ The Dragonfolk puts his extra weight behind his attack, +1 to all melee attack rolls □ The Dragonfolk braces himself and takes the hit to his hardened scaly hide, +1 to defense rolls   § Thick Hide: Saurians thick hides keep them from the detrimental effects of harsher climates. ○ All weather related detriments are halved for Saurians   § Saurian players must choose their lineage before creating character. Each lineage has specific abilities below:   □ Carnivore: The strong jaws and razor sharp teeth of the Carnivore is not to be underestimated. ® Roll for effect: § 1-3: The enemy is able to dodge slightly and is only nipped by the Saurian, enemy takes +2 damage § 4-6: The enemy is caught unaware, and the Saurian bites hard and tears a piece of flesh away. Enemy takes initial +2 damage, and takes +1 damage for every action until they are able heal. □ Herbivore: The massive size of the Saurian effects their metabolism in beneficial ways in comparison to smaller folk. ® Passive Saurians have a slower metabolism, causing any bodily effects to be slowed as well. Any form of passive damage is slowed on the Saurian, who takes 1/2 as much damage per time period. This unfortunately also means medicines or any passive health boosts work half as well too, with the same halving of benefit per time period.


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