Sea Elves Species in Ávra | World Anvil

Sea Elves

Sea elves are natural swimmers, and have slight webbing between their digits. Their shimmer is caused by water, and it glows and dances the way lights move on a waterbed. Their eyes are unaffected by seawater, and are able to breathe water for short periods of time, due to vestigial gill organelles in their lungs.

  Subspecies Attributes


  • You have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed.
  • You can breathe underwater for up to one hour.

Caution: Slippery when Wet

Whenever you're wet, by any means, you find that blows don't always land quite right. 
  • Whenever you take damage, roll a d6; if the result is 5, reduce the damage by one; if it's 6, reduce by two.
A Sea Elf sets sail


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