Serpentkin Species in Ávra | World Anvil


Related to the Naga by blood, the Serpentkin are physically opposite to them. They posses the upper bodies of serpents, and the lower bodies of humanoids. The Serpentkin are a species of secrets. One of the few species that tends to keep to themselves and congregate in areas away from the rest of The People, it is not rare to see whole districts in cites dedicated to them. These "Serpentowns" are brimming with commerce of handmade Serpentkin goods. Serpentkin are lightly distrusted by most of The People of The World, due to their secretive nature.   Unlike the Naga, Serpentkin fangs do possess poison glands; this does not help how they are viewed by other species. In all of the recorded history of The World since The Great Migration, there have only been 10 murders via Serpentkin Poison, and of those, 6 were perpetuated by another species utilizing the poison on a weapon. Thus, this mistrust based on their poisonous abilities is largely misplaced.   The Serpentkin are able to mate normally with all other compatible species and as such are mostly made of mixed blood hybrids. Enough hybridization does lead to the eventual loss of their poison sacs. Serpentkin are keen traders and mostly specialize in shipping and selling of goods. It is not unusual to see Serpentkin working as dockmasters, bankers and stock and goods traders. A wandering Serpentkin merchant is greeted in rural towns with celebration, as they bring many trinkets and exotic goods to these remote areas to enjoy.   During the early days of The World, when Dunnywild was still a part of The Rivals Monarchy, there was a large massacre of Serpentkin in the kingdom. They were sought and systematically eradicated, due to the twin kings misconception that the Serpentkin were responsible for The Shatter. This massacre became known as The Serpents Culling, and was a major turning point in the peoples of The Rivals Monarchy, which eventually led to the succession of The Dunnywild states from the Rivals Monarchy, and establishment of Dunnywild as a separate country of its own merit. During this War of Dunnywild aggression, as it was known in the Monarchy, many Serpentkin emigrated to the soon to be country of Dunnywild. Due to this, there are very few, if any, Serpentkind who still reside in The Rivals Monarchy, despite the current acknowledgment of guilt by the Monarchy for their part in the crimes against Serpentkind. For unknown reasons The Naga were spared this aggression, and there is deep seated resentment among many Serpentkind against their brethren The Naga for this. It is unknown why the Twin Kings of that time did not lump The Naga in with The Serpentkin during this racist crusade.         § Poison Bite: The Serpentkin latches on to their victim and injects their venom into them □ Roll for effect: ® 1-3, Serpentkin bites, is instantly pull off by the victim and is unable to inject venom. ® 4-6, Serpentkin bites and injects their venom. The victim pulls the Serpentkin off them before a lethal dose can be injected. ◊ Victim takes +1 venom damage for the remainder of the battle with the Serpentkin Once the battle is over, the Victim is able to quickly swig an antivenom to cease the slow poisoning. ® Fatal Bite: Serpentkin can roll 2xd6 to attempt fatal bite. After fatal bite Serpentkin can not use Poison bite until after resting for a night. ◊ 12, Serpentkin latches on and grips the victim, biting down with such ferocity the Serpentkin is drenched in the victims blood. Serpentkin is able to inject both full venom sacs into the victim and Serpentkin throws them to the ground. If the loss of blood didn't kill them already, the venom coursing towards their heart will. They spasm a few times as the venom grips their heart, squeezes and stops its rhythm dead. As their body starves of oxygen, they gasp for air and tense up while a living rigor mortis takes hold. ◊ 6-11, Serpentkin Misses and dodges, ready to strike again. Serpentkin realizes his mouth is full of his own venom, prematurely ejecting it. He spits it to the floor, no longer able to rely on it until resting overnight ◊ 1-5, Serpentkin is struck during his lunge by the enemy and hits the ground hard. The force causes an involuntary ejection of his venom. +3 to damage to Serpentkin and no longer able to use Poison bite until having rested overnight


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