
An extremely isolated religion, present only in Riverland Gash. Due to the extreme isolation of the community, they have developed their own religious beliefs completely devoid of influence from the cultures of Ávra at large. Their religion centers around the mythical creatures known as the Centaur, and treat them as deities in mortal form. Their myths center on an ancient war between Centaurs and a dark malevolence that threatened the land. They believe it was the Centaurs that called into existence the great Land God Izinambuzane Ezinkulu, the Oldborn of Earth, to fight and ultimately vanquish this great evil.   They also believe that the emergence and subsequent fight between Izinambuzane Ezinkulu and this great evil is what created The Gashes, south of their village. The Centaurs then grew the forest between them to protect the village from the Gashes and it's cursed lands. To this day, they do not pass through the forest, as it is seen as revered land, and home of the last remaining Centaurs, although there is not tangible proof that Centaurs currently or have ever existed.   Their doctrine is passed down orally, and they do not have a core written work. There exists a holy person in the village who is the main keeper of the doctrine. Due to not having written works, it is believed that the doctrine has changed through the generations.   The only core structure to the religion is the Sept, a holy person who is revered in the village and acts as the oral doctrine of the religion. They are a figure head only and hold no power within the village political structure. As for the structure of their pantheon, it is as follows: • Izinambuzane Ezinkulu: The Oldborn or Earth, the closest being to a main god in the religion. • Centaurs: Seen as Demigods, who serve Izinambuzane Ezinkulu, and protect the people of the World. • The Fallen: A host of Dark and dangerous evils that plagued the land, and were kept at bay by the Centaurs. The arrival of Izinambuzane Ezinkulu heralded their end, as they believe he wiped them from Ávra
Religious, Organised Religion


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