The Ssleestak Etchings

The Ssleestak Etchings

A collection of charcoal rubbings taken of writings etched by claw into the walls of buildings within the former village of Ssleestak. Recovered by the Monarchy Purge Squadron sent to remove and 'rehome' the Serpentkin that originally dwelled in Ssleestak. The village is no longer in existence, as after all information was gathered regarding the missing villagers, the Purge Squadron razed the village to the ground and built over it. The etchings contained in this compendium are translated into the Common Language of The World from a variety of different ancient languages used in the Monarchy at the time of their etching. The most prevalent language used was Old Scalescript, a language utilized by Scalelings before the unification of the modern countries of the world, shortly after the Great Migration. It has been considered a dead language, as the Serpentkin were the last group to utilize it in any real fashion. The Culling was able to eradicate the culture of the Serpentkin enough to erase Scalescript from modern existence. As such, there may be errors in the translations.
Item type
Book / Document


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