Trolls Species in Ávra | World Anvil


Trolls are one of the more misunderstood species on The World. Outwardly, they come off as aloof and with the mentality of children. Ask most anyone, and they will tell you that Trolls are a mostly harmless race of simple oafs. They have naturally protuberant noses, beady eyes, long spindly ears and enlarged cheek bones. They stand quite tall, usually between 6' and 7', and are naturally quite bulky; their bodies are covered in a thick mane of shaggy fur, accentuated by the fur clothing they wear. Closer examination of their clothing, however, reveals something far more intricate than you'd expect: beadwork. The clothing is adorned with beads, which are the first clue to the actual mental acuity of Trolls. The beadwork on display in their clothing is astoundingly beautiful; the beads are vibrant, exceptionally smooth, and shine as they are polished beyond compare. Fine detailing in the crafting is in stark contrast to their massive, doughy hands. They are also exceptionally skilled in mathematics; many large businesses 'in the know' have a Troll on retainer to handle the yearly taxes and monthly expenses. While most view these individuals as 'exceptions', the reality is it is the rule.   Trolls have inadvertently been able to hide their wealth of knowledge and skill from the world due to their naturally reclusive nature. This reclusiveness is due to an unfortunate biological property of Trolls: When exposed to sunlight, their already sensitive eyesight is strained further and heightened senses are driven into overdrive. To be in the sun is to be near blind, while even the slightest pin drop is a cacophony of noise and the touch of another is like knives on their flesh.   Many Trolls have either learned to deal with such limitations and have, over the years, grown numb to the terrible irritants. Others have utilized technology, magics and medicine to tame the symptoms. But in general, the large majority of Trolls tend to keep to small villages within forests dotted around major cites. Because of its vast technological advancement, Dunnywild is actually home to a good portion of the more 'socialized' Trolls in The World. Advancements in prosthesis and medicine have allowed Dunnywild Trolls to live almost completely normal lives in the daylight.     • Nocturnal Artisan: Trolls disability during the day is the opposite in the light of the Moon. Their senses are enhanced at night and they are able to perform actions with heightened speed and skill ○ Passive: May reroll any crafting, farming or cooking skill check once. • Thick Hide: Trolls naturally thick skin and mane of fur keeps them from the detrimental effects of harsher climates. ○ All weather related detriments are halved for Trolls • Photopetrification: To offset their disability during exposure to sunlight, Trolls skin hardens and becomes harder to pierce ○ All incoming attacks when Troll is exposed to sunlight -1 • Photosensitivity: Trolls senses are driven into overdrive in direct sunlight ○ When exposed to direct sunlight, trolls take damage for every action involving their senses, +1 damage per turn. If 'killed' by this attribute, the Troll does not die, it fully petrifies until the moon rises, at which point it is fully healed. ○ For gameplay purposes, 'direct sunlight' will be determined by the DM/player actions; simply being out and about during the day is not considered direct sunlight, as Trolls cover themselves in hides and furs to protect themselves.


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