
Werefolk are not so much a species, as a curse set upon species. When in their 'normal' forms, they look like any other person among their species, but this all changes once the curse takes hold. When succumbing to their curse, the Werefolk will transform into an anthropomorphic version of their particular animal curse. All Werefolk curses are mammalian, regardless of the cursed person's natural species. They retain none of the features of their original species besides relative height. What separates the Werefolk from Beastkin is their demeanor and form. When fully transformed, Werefolk become feral and animalistic, with only a fraction of the intelligence they once possessed. They are also grossly overgrown, muscular and twisted in form, due to the relatively sudden and violent nature of the transformation.   The Werefolk transformation is a violent and painful process, involving the rotting and sloughing of the Werefolk's skin, followed by distension of their features.   There are 7 phases of the transformation.  
  1. Eye Mutation: The eyes of the cursed begin to discolor, looking akin to dropping ink into water. The pupils also begin to distort, causing headaches and eye strain on the Werefolk. This is usually the longest phase, with some Werefolk's eyes transforming days before their full transformation.
  2. Skin irritation: The skin or hide of the cursed will start to itch and produce lesions and sores. These are very painful, and only grow worse as the transformation continues. These sores eventually grow necrotic and start to rot.
  3. Sloughing: Eventually the sores reach a point that the skin can no longer support itself on the Werefolk's body, and it begins to slough off in large flaps and chunks, the Werefolk nerve endings are still attached during this process, so it is quite painful. Most Werefolk will take to tearing the necrotic flesh from their bodies to end the pain as quicky as possible, hastening the process.
  4. Sprouting: Starting during the Sloughing phase, the fur of the Werefolk will begin to sprout from the new layer of flesh that is emerging from beneath the old rotting flesh.
  5. Distension: At this point the Werefolk looks similar to their original form, only covered in fur. The distension phase is when the Werefolks body begins to physically transform internally to match the animal form the Werefolk is cursed with. Their musculature will begin to grow and contort into the new forms, the pressure and tension caused by this will begin to shatter and snap their bones. This internal change includes the growth of new facial muscles, the ears migrating and extending, and the legs becoming digitigrade. The bone fragments are quickly absorbed by the body and the bones will begin to heal and mend into their new forms. The new teeth will also begin to emerge during this phase, forcing the old teeth to rip from their gums in the process.
  6. Ferality: Werefolk retain their full consciousness during the transformation, and for a short period after. During this period, it is possible to partially 'tame' a Werefolk, essentially imprinting on them as they fully succumb to their feral state. No matter how feral, they will not harm their imprinted, but will seek their comfort and actively protect them. These tactics are used in Midnight Clubs during the transformation process by highly trained courtesans, who are able to comfort and stay with the Werefolk while they wait out their curse in safety.
  The transformation period is different for all Werefolk and depends on their age, health, particular curse, original species, etc. Some Werefolk experience all stages within minutes, while others have an extremely protracted first and second phase and their final phases expedited. Some particularly unlucky Werefolk experience the transformation over a protracted period, with Midnight Club records detailing transformations that have transpired over multiple days or weeks.   The transformation back to their original form is much quicker and less painful version of the first five phases, happening relatively at the same time, with the Werefolk returning to their natural senses in full, within a few hours of the reverse transformation.    

Werefolk Rules


Were-Curse Determination

PC's who are Were-cursed will transform into mammalian abominations, based on some external factor.This process is only performed ONCE when the PC becomes cursed. Roll to determine Were-type and Trigger Stimuli.
  • Roll 2xd20, choose one for Were-Type, one for Trigger Stimuli. If both numbers are between 1-10, DM chooses how results are applied, if 11-20, Player chooses. If one number is under 10 or below and the other 11 or above DM chooses a random player to make the choice.

Were-Type Determination

  • 1: Feral rodent or small innocuous animal type (rats, mice, Guinea pigs, hamster, rabbit, bats, platypus, hedgehogs, lemurs etc.)
  • 2-10: Mid-sized creature type (fox, dogs/cats, etc.)
  • 11-19: Larger sized creature type (horse, bovine/cattle, goat, kangaroo, llama, deer etc.)
  • 20: Any dangerous or apex type (Wolves, Tigers, Lions, Panthers, Wargs, Wart Hogs, Bears, Elephants, Rhinos, Moose, etc.)

Trigger Stimuli

1: Random: Whenever the time of day/weather drastically changes, the player must roll a d12, 1 or 12 triggers transformation
2-10: Lunar Transformation: Roll d12 to determine
  • 1: Transformation triggered by ANY PHASE of the moon
  • 2-11: Player choice
  • 12: Transformation triggered by Full Moon only
11-19: Weather Transformation: Roll d4 to determine
  1. Rain
  2. Snow
  3. Fog
  4. Player Choice
20: Player Choice: Player can choose any stimuli listed above  

Were-Type Abilities


Small Type

  • All attacks +1 to roll
  • Granted two non-violent actions per turn
  • Feral Vermin Ability Granted: The claws and teeth of the Were-vermin are caked in filth and germs, easily spreading their blight on contact
Roll d20 with all attacks, nat20 afflicts target with disease, Target -1 from all attacks for rest of battle  

Mid-Sized Type

  • All attacks +2 to roll
  • Agility granted: With their newfound agility, the Were-cursed uses its new musculature to move around with alarming endurance, finesse and speed.
When performing any movement/agility based roll, +2 to roll. 
-If original roll was success, take the +2 to roll. If the +2 brings the roll to a natural high exactly, without going over, Were-cursed gains +1 non-violent action on next turn
-If the original roll was failure
and the +2 brings it into a success, Were-cursed gains +1 non-violent action on next turn
-If the original roll was failure
and the +2 does not bring it into success; move still fails but no negative effects will apply  (ie, rolled a 1, needed 4+ to succeed, +2 only equals 3, so still failure, but no negative effects applied)  

Large Sized Type

  • All attacks +1 to roll
  • Granted two attack actions per turn
  • Feral Slash Granted: The Were-cursed uses its strength and growths attack in a frenzy of charging horns/antlers, claws, teeth, tusks, etc.
Roll d12, 1-8: attack happens normally, 9-12: +2 stacked on to attack  

Dangerous/Carnivorous Type

  • All attacks +3 to rolls
  • Granted two attack actions per turn
  • Granted two non-violent actions per turn
  • Feral Slash and Agility granted
  • Give in to the Beast applied to every turn: The Were-cursed loses all control of their faculties, and will even turn on their own party.
At start of your turn, you must roll a d6, player gives control of character to DM on all rolls other than nat 6 for that turn. DM Control only grants one attack and one non-violent action per turn, and is only able to use agility or feral slash. DM MUST play turn in 'frenzied' or 'feral' state, aiming only to cause as much chaos as possible.
A typical werewolf
Body does not age when transformed, when not turned, they age at a normal rate
Average Height
Average Weight
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