Wood Elves Species in Ávra | World Anvil

Wood Elves

Wood elves seem to be adapted to forests; they move with a bouncy litheness and move through most terrain with ease. They shimmer with a slight green tinge, almost as if blending in to a thick jungle. They're exceptionally slim, even for elves, built as natural predators and trackers.

Subspecies Attributes

Natural guidance

Wood Elves are unhampered by natural terrain's ruggedness they are immune to difficult terrain caused by natural phenomenon, such as dense roots of a forest, a stepping stone bridge across a creek, or rocky expanses.
  • When rolling for any movement encumbred by any sort of terrain (hiking, climbing, sprinting, leaping, etc.) +3 to roll

Blood Hunt

Wood elves are natural hunters, to the point of being exceptional predators, and are able to sense creatures that aren't magically hidden.
Roll a d20
  • 1: How did this even happen. You sensed yourself, and this caused such a strange feedback that you're unable to sense anything else. You've also given yourself a headache.
  • 2-14: You get a fair sense of the creatures in the area, as well as a vague direction and distance, if you choose to focus on one.
  • 15-19: You get an accurate sense of living creatures in the area, as well as an obvious direction and exact distance, if you choose to focus on one.
  • 20: Guided by your instincts, you can distinctly tell where every creature in the area is, as well as the direction, distance, and way they're travelling. If you choose to focus on one, your shimmer will naturally cloak you to them, allowing you to deal +5 damage to a stealth attack against them.
  You can track creatures well beyond reason. Choose a creature you know of to track, and roll a d12.
  • 1: You have no idea where it is. For all you know, you've found a rock.
  • 2-10: You can find the general direction it travelled. You can roll again after some distance to continue tracking; however, you now roll d10.
  • 11-12: You find tracks that not only show a direction, but your instincts kick in and give you distance. You can effortlessly track the creature for the next hour.
Wood Elf sprinting through the forest


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