


Two Guardians are assigned to a vault or library. There is 164 vaults.
Some guardians retire from their assigned location, and will hold the title of guardian until their death.
There are guardians that travel to locations in larger regions, so that the assigned guardians do not leave their station.
In total there are about 400-500 guardians at any given time. They are not all working, some are essentially in reserves and have other jobs or tasks that they complete.


Constant study of magic and expansion of magical knowledge.
Trained to handle Burden Tomes(name might change)



The Guardians recieve a base wage once they are beging training, and if they are bonded to a vault recieve addition wages. If they are active and going on missions they also recieve additional wages.
Guardians that go on missions, or Grey Guardians, recieve coverage for all needs while on missions. Such as hotels, meals, new clothing, tools, etc.
Guardians bonded to vaults are under two donations: Death/Grim Guardian and Life/Sunny Guardian. More often than not the Guardians are also soulmates, either platonic or romantic.


New guardians are chosen or recruited by active guardians. Sometimes members of Order of The White Raven will suggest a guardian look into an individual. The guardians need to be powerful in the sense of magic, otherwise they won't beable to proper connect with the vault.
There are some occasions were a vault will choose a person, and begin to bond with their magic. This is an extremely rare event. Though sometimes a vault can reach for a person that they believe will bond well with them, but not initiate bond. Teh current acting guardian does this.


Guardians started to be active while the vaults where still being moved from place to place in secret. Though more of them worked as a unit then. Now they are able to work in pairs, and stay at one vault or region.

Historical loyalties

Guardians are loyal to Order of The White Raven and were created within the order. Though many belong to covens outside of the order, these considered their families, most people in a coven it is there birth family or found family. These are not considered any conflict of interest.
Special Forces
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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Aug 11, 2024 13:46 by Marjorie Ariel

I really like your details, but I felt a little ungrounded reading this. I would recommended adding a couple of sentences into the vignette to provide some basic background information, like what the vaults are and why they need guarding.

Aug 17, 2024 22:43 by Kat Leo

Thank you, currently this is little bit more of a rough draft. Still very much in the planning and creation stage for vaults and Order etc. But thank you so much for reading and commenting!

Aug 19, 2024 04:38 by Marjorie Ariel

Fair. It's hard to really flesh things out during Summer Camp. Good luck!