Order of The White Raven

As a member of the 'Order of The White Raven' devotes themselves to knowledge and magic.


They protect and preserve knowledge.
But they also recognise that evil is evil and good is good. They do not view things as black and white, but there are lines that are not crossed.
Prefer peace over violence, but are willing to go to battle to protect others and themselves.
Very big on consent, and the being able to make choices for oneself.
They come to decisions as a group, rather than individuals. As if someone sees an issues there is obviously an issue. Those this can also lead to issues, cause might take a while to make choices.
Members are from all walks of life, rich and poor.
Specially chosen members are appointed as Guardians, these members are trained to protect the vaults.
Every Vault has two guardians.

Public Agenda

The protection and preservation of Knowledge, no matter its origins. They pride themselves on being, mostly, unbiased. Unless can casue like a lot of trouble.


Libraries and vaults around the world.
Crap ton of money.


The Order of the White Raven was created from the results of a purge. The purge was instigated by humans and fear mongoring. This resulted in great loss of literature, spells, magical tomes, historical texts, documents, even artifacts.
Some of the materials were smuggled out and saved. These items were the beginning of the very first vault.
Initially the vaults were regularly moved, materials smuggled from region to region.
When the order was first created there wasn't a name, but everytime they moved the artifacts a white raven was spotted. Everytime. Though one account said the raven has a light pinkish coloring to it, and another said blueish coloring. This lead to the naming of the order.
It is believed by the order that teh raven watching over them was Death themself, so every vault and temple honors death in some way. As well as Life for they are entwined.
Eventually wards were created and developed to completely protect, cloak, and even transport artifacts. Though transportion via spell is not always recommended when dealing with magical items.
Eventually the order grew in size, and wealth. They then expanded the materials that they collect, now including none magical ones. This lead to the order starting at first private libraries. Eventually they created public libraries.
Now not all libraries are vaults. They divided locations into regions, and each region has a vault or library. Some regions are small and some are quite large.

Protection and Preservation of knowledge, good or evil.

Alternative Names
White Raven, Knowledge Hoarders


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