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Written by invadersforever

S/Zir; Lady Keyata Aefai
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Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Keyata has a tattoo on her left forearm that depicts the initials 'K.A.N.', with thorn covered vines above and below them. Just above is a tattoo of a rose.

Special abilities

Keyata is an especially skilled sword fighter.

Apparel & Accessories

Under most conditions, Keyata wears her uniform. This includes: body armor similar to the Celestials', an orange tunic, a chest plate with the House Nebula crest, shoulder guards, gloves, boots, and a belt. During battle, she also wears a helmet.   Keyata accompanies Lilli to a ball in Episode 4 of the first season. She wears a form fitting orange dress with pink accents, a red choker, a golden bracelet, a short veiled headpiece, and her boots. She also wears makeup.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Female, She/her




Keyata received basic education at a middle to high school equivalent, as well as her knight training.   (Spoilers for S1 E6) Show Spoiler
She received education at a noble school for the elementary level, as well as training in etiquette, dancing, and poetry.


Keyata is a knight in House Nebula. She has had no other jobs.



Personality Characteristics


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Keyata is motivated by her desire to defend her family and get revenge on Lord Nebula. This leads to single minded focus, and some struggles to cope with her emotions. She is also driven to give her siblings a better life and make sure they don't have to know what they were cheated.
(Spoilers: S1 E6)

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Keyata is a skilled swordsman, dancer, and poet. Her magic is powerful, but she has little control which has led to many unflattering comparisons to wild mages.

Virtues & Personality perks

Keyata values family highly. (Spoilers for S1E6 and E10)   Show Spoiler
This causes her to send Lilli after Lord Nebula in Episode 10, even after he treated her horribly because she thought of it as proof she wasn't like him.

Vices & Personality flaws

She cannot resist a chance to annoy Lord Nebula by engaging in less traditional activities and dress.


Family Ties

Keyata lives with her parents and two younger siblings.

Religious Views

Keyata follows the celestial religion, specifically the Oath of Vanessa.

Social Aptitude

Keyata is very confident. She is capable of being a model noble, but often chooses not to be.

Hobbies & Pets

On the rare occasion that she is not working or training, Keyata enjoys dancing, poetry, and spending time with her siblings and friends.

Wealth & Financial state

Keyata is a low noble. Her family is moderately wealthy.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Sir/Zir, (Spoilers for S1 E6) [/spoiler]formerly Lady[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Main House, House Nebula Compound[spoiler] S1 E6
Current Residence
House Nebula Compound
Brown, almond-shaped
Long, dark-brown, partially braided
1.7 m
62.6 kg
Aligned Organization
Known Languages


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