Azidon Defense Corps - Counter Siege Division

A branch of the Azidon Defense Corps, the counter-siege division's primary goal is the protection of the walls and defensive emplacements of the fortress and surrounding city.



The counter-siege division has approximately 600 members, scattered across the various walls and battlements of the city and fortress.


For those who can't or don't wield magic, slings, bows, and any heavy object that can be dropped are all within the realm of equipment. Helms and chainmail are fairly standard as well, though in the event of an actual siege when volunteers step forward to defend the walls, heavy stones and a helm may be the only provided equipment.



This unit is relatively cheap to maintain, as they don't need to go anywhere, and most of their tactics involve dropping things off of walls and onto enemies.


The counter-seige division has the second least strict requirements of all the divisions of the defense corps. The only requirements are to be able to run up the outer-wall stairs (or climb one of the ladders) 6 times within 4 minutes and to be able to lift and drop a 15 kg item over the side of the wall. Women are also allowed to apply for the role, though most don't.   These requirements can be waived if one has proficiency in attack, defense, recovery, or support magic.


Founded along with the city itself, the Counter-Siege division was originally the entirety of the Azidon Defense Corps, but as the settlement grew from a village to a town, and eventually to a city (and a capital city at that), the different divisions were formed.   This division has grown the most over the years as the city expanded and new walls constructed.

Historical loyalties

This division is the oldest, and its loyalties lie not with a king or ruler, but with the city itself. So long as the walls stand, so long as the city itself is not lost, they shall remain.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

Cover image: by Kranjax via Midjourney


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Aug 12, 2024 02:31 by Marjorie Ariel

I think it's cool that the counter-siege division has been there so long that its only loyalty is to the city itself. Though it does make me wonder what happens if one half of city chooses to battle the other half.

Aug 12, 2024 12:37 by Kerry

Its members would be torn and feel like they are without purpose. Even if they split roughly in half, the members would not want to fight their own, residents or guards. They would likely notice dissent before it got out of hand, and the entirety of the defense corps would act to stop it.   They would defend the city from itself... politically when possible, and with force when needed. That was a REALLY good question lol.