Azidon Defense Corps

The local military garrison of Azidon City. They are sworn to serve and protect the city and its citizens at all costs. The proud and long-standing force has survived numerous wars, changes in power, border reformations, and coup attempts.   Their longevity is due to their mission. They are to serve the citizens and the city itself, not the whims of whoever is in power. This has caused several conflicts, but as they are stronger than any force the previous ruling nobility could muster, nobody could stop them from performing their intended duties... until a certain usurper took control. Fortunately for the defense corps, their aims and marquis's align.


The structure starts from the top with the ruler of the Azidon Marquisate, currently Eber Frostbane. From there, leaders of several domains are appointed:
  • Cavalry
  • Infantry
  • Marine
  • Counter-siege
  • Reconnaissance
Rumor also has it that another commander will be joining, but none of the captains or the rank-and-file can figure out what their domain is. It seems only the Marquis is aware.   Each commander has somewhere between 2 and 8 detachments under their authority, each with their own captain directing them. It is one of the most flat and simple military structures in all of Veridian, and between it and the diplomatic tactics of its ruling Marquis, has been sufficient to ward off any would-be threats.

Public Agenda

The organization exists, both publically and privately, for the defense of the city.

Mythology & Lore

Given the founding of the nation of Veridian, and the themes related to it, the organization has a strong affinity to that of earth, and its related elemental deity. This is not to say that belief or affinity to other deities is not tolorated.
Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
Azidon Knight Corps
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Notable Members

Cover image: by Kranjax via Midjourney


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