The Fortress City of Azidon

Now under new, albeit contested, management, Azidon has seen an influx of newcomers, and guardians. It's rapid shift in social policies, tolorance, and dramatically lower taxes has gained its leadership glowing praise and respect amongst the populace, and scorn from the nobles of surrounding territories, and from the crown itself.   Azidon, is now unfortunately considered to be staging a rebellion against the crown, though the monarch has beren slow to respond. Fortunately for the royal family, Azidon has no intention of starting any sort of rebellion, not that the monarchs know or care. Unfortunately for them, the longer they wait, the more powerful Azidon will become, as their defense forces are bolstered by guardians and saints, and even the general population increases their literacy rate.   The thing that worries the monarchy the most is the fact that the flag of twighlight's hold flies just below that of Azidon's, which flies below that of the country. Surrounding territories pray that the order of those flags remains the same, but the scant few who know of the stories of a millenia ago have said that city is akin to Twighlight's hold.   On a somewhat related note, those pursuing the Black Market Bounty: Golden Eyes are not treated as bounty hunters, but as attempted murderers and are severely punished. It is little wonder that those with golden eyes have been appearing in recent years.


Though the city is comprized of mostly humans, there is an ever-increasing mixture of elves, dwarves, and the occasional beastkin or orc.


The city is naturally defended on its east side by a river, is on high ground, and has multiple walls. It also has siege equipment and and its military forces have an ever-growing portion of guardians and saints.


The city has cobblestone-paved roads, a large bridge to cross the adjacent river, and several watermills. There are also irrigation systems built that send water to the surrounding farm areas.


  • Fortress
  • Slum
  • Market
  • Noble's Quarter
  • Residential sector
  • outskirts


The depts of the previous ruler's wealth is still being ascertained, but amongst them were several living catalysts . Most other assets relate to military equipment, a handful of ships, and recently, 1 airship.
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