Dumplings for Peace

Spit on a dumpling, choke on the next.
— Cirrus
Of all the foods of Elviria, there are few that every culture has several versions of. One of them is dumplings.   Dumplings, in some shape or form, are enjoyed by beings of all shapes and sizes. They are so beloved by denizens of the world that even many of the world's deities appear to enjoy them, if the happenstance that follow some events are to be believed.


Divine retribution awaits any aggressor who spills or otherwise ruins dumplings.   If you do not want to get stabbed across a table, make sure you have plenty of dumplings.   Do you want to have a peace talk? Serve dumplings   Have a holiday party and family members who don't get along? Weave dumplings into every course of a meal.   If you want people to be on relatively good behavior, the answer will be dumplings.   If dumplings are spilled due to aggression, the wrath of the gods shall be upon you.

Historical Basis

Throughout history, in more times and in more ways than can be counted, anyone who has ruined dumplings due to aggression or malicious intent has had misfortune befall them.   Those who have flipped tables, spilled blood, attempted to poison, or rendered dumplings inedible in any way due to rage or maliciousness, would seemingly suffer the wrath of the gods themselves.   The severity of the retribution depends on the action. Spitting on the dumplings could result in you choking on the next one you attempt to eat, or choking on your tea (a suspected favorite of Seriah - Goddess of Tranquil Waters). Spill blood on the dumplings or flip a table, and you could very well expect an unfortunate accident on your way home, to the tune of being maimed or severely injured.   Those who have been found trying to poison dumplings will die without fail before a trial can even be held.   Dumplings are now always found at any large gathering and even smaller ones. There are many instances discussed afterward in which nearly entire menus consisted of variations of dumplings, skillfully woven into every course, from soups to desserts.


It started small, as whisperings and mutterings of misfortune of belligerent souls spread across the lips of event-goers. This became unexpectedly common after any event that went awry. One time became two. Two became five, and five became dozens.   Everyone has a story about a fight in which food was spilled, and misfortune happening either immediately or in the relatively near future. As people started to put pieces together, it was discovered that all of the events had dumplings, in some shape or form, in common.   Now it is the most well known myth that seems to be true, but simply can't be proved, since nobody would willingly test the wrath of the gods.

Variations & Mutation

This myth is so pervasive across so many people and regions that everyone comes to understand it by the time they come of age. The only variations relate to the supposed or assumed punishments in regards to a given offense.

Cultural Reception

Originally, people were surprised and skeptical, but before long, as coincidences began to mount, it was taken as fact.   Dumplings have a permanent place at the table of any holiday gatherings in any region of the world, as well as any peace discussions.

In Literature

Despite the fact that people appear to fall victim to divine retaliation for defiling dumplings, there is no taboo noted, more reference to dumplings in any religious text of any church or deity.

In Art

As dumplings have now found their way into any situation in which peace is a desired outcome, any depictions of such events (and there are plenty) include dumplings in the artwork. It is to the point that if dumplings are not depicted in a painting, that it is probably not intended to be a peaceful setting.

Cover image: by Kranjax via Midjourney


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Jul 31, 2024 22:18

A world in which dumplings are sacred is a world I can get behind, 100%. XD

Aug 22, 2024 17:22 by Kerry

You are more than welcome to visit. If you can get to Nexus 423, you can reach Elviria lol

Aug 22, 2024 13:51

Does the five-second rule applied to dumplings that are accidentally dropped?

Aug 22, 2024 17:24 by Kerry

Yes, it does. The gods are not so mean as to punish a legitimate accident. Depending on what elements are present, one may be so inclined as to clean it for you lol   There are no documented instances of this though, and most people take extra care around dumplings these days

Aug 24, 2024 20:55 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

I LOVE this one lol. It's so funny but makes sense. And I love dumplings, so yay! Your narrative voice is brilliant, humorous, and very engaging! <3

Aug 25, 2024 19:39 by Kerry

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'll try to fill this world with lots more interesting and comical things.

Aug 30, 2024 05:54 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there! Just letting you know that I featured your article as a main in my Reading Challenge. Thanks again for sharing! God bless. <3  

This MYTH ABOUT FOOD was very interesting to see. I liked how it remained a speculation and nothing was actually proven correct or incorrect in the article. The origin of this myth was crafted nicely and the story element of the article along with the narrative voice was captivating. The whole thing made me curious about the world and wonder if there really was any truth to the speculation or if it was solely nonsense. If so, what would these gods, if they exist, really think about this little rumor being spread around about them? lol This article reinforced that each of us can be inspired by other authors, stories, or things, but still be original enough to make it into our own creation. Oh. And I want dumplings now. XP

Aug 30, 2024 08:13 by Kerry

This made my day! Thank you, and your commentary is also beautifully written.